Page 47 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 47

June 28 & 29
               PROGRAM NOTES

               wildly out of key, followed by
               four more strokes, but a half-step
               below the original tone. Even two
               centuries of familiarity have not
               dulled the impact of those
               “mysteriously quiet” strokes—nor
               have they lessened the amazement
               that follows as we realize that they
               are actually melodic materials
               that will evolve and develop
               throughout the movement.
               A second movement, marked
               Larghetto, is laid out in classical
               theme-and-variations structure,
               but such information is no more
               indicative of the movement’s
               impact than to say that the
               Parthenon is rectangular. A natural
               peacefulness of unruffled stillness
               and serenity, a dreamscape in
               pastels, an open-ended amble
               that somehow combines
               meandering with an inescapable
               sense of purpose. The ultimate
               goal remains carefully unrevealed
               until the very end of the
               movement—or what passes for
               the end, anyway, since it leads
               directly to a brief cadenza and                 Johannes Brahms
               hence into the last movement,
               without a break.
               Given the sublimely enigmatic
               first movement and the meditative   Johannes Brahms
               stillness of the Larghetto, it only
               makes sense that the finale      Symphony No. 3 in F Major, Op. 90
               would be a lighthearted and
               straightforward Rondo in which a
               dancelike primary theme alternates    AT A GLANCE                 By the middle of the 19  century
               with contrasting passages that                                    the commentarial class had
               include some delightful hunting   Born: 1833                      declared the symphony extinct
               calls in the horns. This being   Died: 1897                       as a living, breathing genre.
               Beethoven, a glorious romp of    Date of Composition: 1883        Heralds had been proclaiming
               a coda takes up a good half of                                    its decline for decades and
               the entire movement; it wanders   Instrumentation: Symphony       audiences had accepted the
               about with matchless abandon yet   No. 3 in F Major, Op. 90 is scored   situation as given. It all came
               manages eventually to return to   for 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets,    down to the impact of Beethoven’s
               the movement’s original materials   2 bassoons, contrabassoon,    nine symphonies, considered
               and, in so doing, finds a perfectly   4 horns, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones,   as the peak achievements of the
               balanced and satisfying ending.  timpani and strings.             rapidly-coalescing “standard

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