Page 48 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
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June 28 & 29                                                                      PROGRAM NOTES

            Symphony No. 3 in                lyrical, the Third is logical—one   demonstrates. In the Brahms
            F Major, Op. 90                  of the most tautly reasoned works   Third we experience a 50-year-old
                                             in the symphonic literature. As is   symphonist at the top of his
            continued                        so often the case with Brahms,   game: consummate technical
                                             the argument is clearly stated in   mastery in control of limitless
            repertory” and its roster of     the very opening gesture—three   imagination, the whole
            “great composers.”               notes that represent Frei aber    empowered by an unquenchable

            Potential symphonists entering   fröh (Free, but happy), Brahms’   inner radiance.
            the field as of the 1850s had    adaptation of Frei aber einsam
            Beethoven’s legacy to contend    (Free, but lonely), the personal
            with, and many turned their      motto of his close friend and
            attention elsewhere, focusing on   colleague Joseph Joachim. More   © 2024 Scott Fogelsong
            highly programmatic “symphonic    importantly, those three notes
            poems” or on hybrid oratorio-    carve out a motion from major
            symphonies that blended operatic    mode to a hint of minor and back
            elements with symphonic textures.    again to major, setting up a
            Those few who attempted actual,   duality between major and minor
            traditional symphonies tended    that will thread throughout the
            to be conservative types who     entire work.
            eked out derivative stuff that    That duality remains in force until
            soon faded.                      the very end of the symphony,
            Brahms was at first reluctant to   when all is resolved in a serenely
            try his luck at such an apparently   unruffled passage that seems
            no-win challenge, but pressure   like a blessing or benediction.
            on him as the chosen savior of   Along the way, high drama (first
            the ailing genre increased steadily   movement); touching intimacy
            along with his growing reputation   (second movement); lyrical
            as a Beethoven-class structuralist.    rapture (third movement) and
            It wasn’t until 1876—when he     even more intense drama (fourth
            was 43 years old—that he finally   movement, at least for a while),
            produced his Symphony No. 1      carve out a memorable journey
            in C minor, Op. 68, a majestic   that fully warrants Eduard
            achievement that proved that     Hanslick’s verdict as Brahms’
            the symphony was by no means     “artistically most nearly
            a spent force. He followed up    perfect” symphony.
            quickly with a second symphony   Occasional commentators throw
            in D Major the next year, but    the occasional brickbat at Brahms’
            held off from writing another    orchestration; too muddy,
            symphony for another six years.    they say, too stolidly functional
            In the meantime he busied himself     and devoid of sonic sex appeal.
            with a string of consummate      Such accusations are uninformed.
            masterpieces—the Violin Concerto;    To be sure, Brahms was not one
            Piano Concerto No. 2; and the    for instrumental bling à la fancy
            two beloved orchestral overtures,   percussion or novel effects.
            Tragic and Academic Festival.    Nevertheless, he knew his
            Then, in 1883, Symphony No. 3    orchestral hawks from his
            in F Major, Op. 90.              handsaws, as the meticulously
            If the First Symphony is dramatic    detailed and chamber-like use of
            and the Second Symphony is       his (quite traditional) orchestra

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