Page 3 - Training 2019
P. 3
From our group 2019 KICK-OFF meeting during 12 to 14 January 2019, where all the branch,
operations, financial, export and business managers were present, the following was agreed
to as priorities that need to be collectively driven at the branches during 2019. All these
projects will be driven at a branch level by the branch managers and co-ordinated at national
level. The emphasis was all on team work and that we all need to get behind a project to
get quick traction and market penetration.
The group slogan for 2019 is “BE EXTRAORDINARY – MAKE IT HAPPEN” and we can only be
successful as a group if we are all on board to do that collectively.
We have about two weeks at the latest before we need to place our order for guillotine blade
so that they can come out collectively with our grinders and save us shipping costs. We
need everyone to go out to the big guys (not the small guy who uses 1 a year).
Get the make of the machine and the model number (Polar 115).
The total length, original width and thickness.
The number and size of holes and the hole configuration.
The metal type, standard, HSS or Tungsten inlays.
The number of blades used per annum/month/week.
Major blade brands
Perfecta APA 106 Perfecta 92 UC Perfecta 76 SC Polar 115 EL knife, Polar 150 CE knife, Schneider-Senator
knife, 1260x136x11mm, 24xM12.xlsxknife, 1085x140x13mm, 24xM12.xlsxknife, 935x110x11.7mm, 14xM12, HSS.xlsx1390x160x13.75mm, 26xM12.xlsx1785x160x13.75mm, 32xM12.xlsxSenator 137H knife, 1580x144x12.1mm, 45xM12.xlsx
We now have the wire bending machine fully in operation and over a two-month period have
produced nearly 900,000 units. The box packing has been sorted out and so far, we have
made 40,000 of 80/130/80 for Cape Town and the rest has been 125/125/125 for Cape,
Gauteng and KZN. We now need to be proactive about getting the rest of the business in
the market place as we have capacity available or we will need to reduce the number of
working hours. Then there is the spinoff of all the other products we can sell to the same
Updated - 24 June 2019