Page 2 - Barkev Product Catalogue
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                             BARKEV                                                              PRINT CONSULTANTS
                                                BARKEV COATINGS CC CK 1988/018503/23             GRAVURE, FLEXO, LITHO
                                                                                                 TECHNICAL & SALES
                               HEAD OFFICE PH: 087 353 9740 / 031 020 0120 FAX: 031-701 3329
                                            CAPE TOWN PH: 021- 558 3454 FAX: 021- 558 8683
                                               GAUTENG PH:087 353 9642 FAX: 086 512 4091


    1 CHEMPRESS RIBBON                                                                           9910
                                                 DOCTOR BLADE

               FS-DOCTOR BLADE                                               INSTRUCTION FS-doctor-blade

    Economy Blade for Gravure and Flexo Printing                      1. POSITIONING
                                                                      Fit the FS-Holder in place of your back-up-doctor blade in your
    The FS-blade system was developed to save both time and           machine holder as you would with your actual blade. The welded-
    money. It consists of a narrow self grinding strip plus a back-   on ribbon faces down towards the cylinder.
    up-strip clamped into a resilient holding device. The FS-
    holder fits any existing press design and is permanently          2. MOUNTING
    installed in your bladeholder without the back-up-blade.          Press the FS-Holder down in the centre and tighten only the
    The price of our selfgrinding steel-strip is only about 1/3 that  centre screw. Then squeeze down a bit of the FS-holder from
    of the prebevelled edge blade type and is changed within          centre to both sides to compensate the slight distortion caused by
    seconds. For a field test just let us know the dimensions of      the welding and tighten the remaining clamping screws from
    your actual blade.                                                centre to outside. Possibly use calibration gauge or metal spacer.
                                                                      It is important that the FS-holder is absolutely parallel to your
            STANDARDS and DIMENSIONS                                  machine holder. As the machine holder will remain
                                                                      permanently the little time loss is well justified.
    Resilient design, consisting of three stainless steel ribbons
    welded together (also for water based inks), cut to any length    3. SQUEEZE-IN FS-BLADE-STRIP
    or from coil.                                                     Break off a piece of FS-strip somewhat longer than your holder.
                                                                      Beginning from right, squeeze-in the strip over a few cms (about
    Standard heights: 15 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70mm              two inches) by hand. (Don't try to pull the strip lengthwise through
    (Intermediate heights possible after cut to known length.)        the gap). Continue squeezing-in with the aid of a folded piece of
                                                                      grinding paper, always pressing down firmly and guiding the strip
    FS-D-HOLDER (0,4mm)                                               along the holder with your left hand. The use of griding paper
    for gravure printing, together with double strip - FS80, FS100,   (grain 400-600) gives a further smoothness to the blade edge.
                                                                      After complete insertion, the strip will overlap the holder by only
    FS150 with FST150 back up strip.                                  1,3-2,8 mm (1/16-1/8 inch), according to the thickness of the blade
                                                                      strip. When using FST back-up strip, back-up strip must be fitted
    FS-K-HOLDER (0,3mm)                                               first.
    for flexo chamber inking device and rotary screen printing
                                                                      4. BLADE WEAR ON CYLINDER ENDS
    only one blade strip - FS100, FS150.                              In case of excessive wear of the blade strip at the cylinder ends (as
    Standard height 35mm, other sizes possible.                       it happens with all selfgrinding blades), the back-up-blade should
                                                                      be cut about 2 cm (1/2-1 inch) shorter than the cylinder face length
    FSM-HOLDER (0,5mm)                                                on both ends. This is to weaken the blade pressure over the
    for magazine printing together with double strip - FS65, FS80     cylinder ends. If this measure is not sufficient (exception to the
                                                                      rule!) FS or FST back-up strip, to be cut into small pieces and
    with FST200 back up strip.                                        additionally squeezed-in the FS-holder over the cylinder ends.
                                                                      The pieces of back-up-strip must face up away from the cylinder.
    FSDA-HOLDER (0,4mm)
    Angle holder for gravure printing to provide a sharper wipe       5. CLEANING
                                                                      After the print run the complete holder with the FS-steel-strip still
    same as FSD.                                                      inserted is cleaned by hand in the printing machine, or taken out
                                                                      completely and washed in an appropriate trough or spray
    First class homogenious doctor blade steel in different           machine. After that the worn strip is pulled out and a new one
                                                                      inserted. If contrary to normal experience any dust or residual ink
    thicknesses. Recommendations:                                     should penetrate into the clamping gap please push our special
                                                                      FS-scraper through the whole length of the gap.
    Magazine and Catalog-Printing - FS65, FS80

    Packaging Printing             - FS65, FS80, FS100

                                   for varnishes - FS150.

    Flexo & Screen Printing        - FS100, FS150.

    FS-STRIP   APPLICATIONS                         COILS
    FST-150    FSM Magazine back-up strip           60mt
    FS-80      FSD Back-up-strip                    100mt
    FS-150                                          200mt
    FS-100-3S                                       200mt


               Stainless-Super-Steel, special high

               tempered alloy for water-based


    All FS-strips fit into the same FS-holder. The width of the various types is designed to always achieve the optimum overlap between

    896-14                   holder, strip and back-up-strip. Thicker strips show more overlap.        AYM (031) 7085002
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