Page 29 - Barkev Product Catalogue
P. 29


             BARKEV                                                                                      PRINT CONSULTANTS
                                BARKEV COATINGS CC CK 1988/018503/23                                     GRAVURE, FLEXO, LITHO
                                                                                                         TECHNICAL & SALES
               HEAD OFFICE PH: 087 353 9740 / 031 020 0120 FAX: 031-701 3329
                            CAPE TOWN PH: 021- 558 3454 FAX: 021- 558 8683
                               GAUTENG PH:087 353 9642 FAX: 086 512 4091



             40 KELVA PUMPS

             VP6 - our smallest pump, in acetal plastic     VP18 - in acetal plastic (POM) with bayonet  VP18 S - in acetal plastic (POM) with bayonet
             (POM). Can be equipped with diaphragms         locking of servo housing that allows rapid   locking of servo housing for rapid dismantling
             and O-rings in various materials depending on  dismantling. Can be equipped with            and equipped with quick-through valves.
             what is to be pumped. Not available with       diaphragms and O-rings in various materials  Diaphragms and O-rings available in various
             quick-through valves.                          depending on what is to be pumped.           materials depending on what is to be pumped.

             VP12-110 in cast iron with bayonet locking of  VP12-210 in cast iron. Can be equipped with  VP12-210 S in cast iron with Teflon-coated
             servo housing for rapid dismantling.           diaphragms in various materials depending    pump housing and quick-through valves. Can
             Diaphragms and O-rings available in various    on what is to be pumped.                     be supplied with diaphragms in various
             materials depending on what is to be pumped.                                                materials depending on what is to be pumped.

    1098-39                                                                                              AYM (031) 7085002
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