Page 33 - Barkev Product Catalogue
P. 33

Scapa Exafit® High Performance


Today’s flexographic printers are constantly looking to perfect the                           Consistent
quality of their printing and to improve their processes. Printing                            quality and
quality, speed and efficiency are essential to meet the growing                               longer,
demands of their customers. Exafit® HP gives a reliable bond to                               faster print runs
the plate/cylinder enabling longer, faster print runs with improved
printing definition and reduced dot gain.                                                                   Typical Dot Gain Curve

Creating high visual impact                                                                   100%
•	 Printing with Exafit® HP maintains consistent contrast and detail over long
	 print runs.                                                                                 80%
• 	 Colour density and intensity is preserved.                                                60%
• 	 The higher resilience of the PE foam absorbs any tolerances caused by
	 variable substrate thickness and machine vibration by reducing the gear mark 	
	 on the print result.

Making your process more efficient
•	 The new PP embossed filmic liner is easy to remove and reposition. It allows
	 air bubbles to be removed with ease. These benefits are essential in reducing 	
	 set up times during the crucial mounting process.
•	 The new generation of PE compressible foam ensures high quality printing
	 and even longer, faster print runs. Process efficiency is increased as fewer 		
	 foam changes and adjustments are required during the print run.

Product  Thick-  Colour  Adhesion Liner                                Foam
43200HP           Pink   Standard  Transpar-      Softer hardness foam tape designed for      40%                Linear
         550µm           adhesion  ent em-                     premium half-tone.             20%                43200 set up
43210HP          Yellow  on plate   bossed                                                                       43200 end of job
43220HP          White                        Medium Soft hardness foam tape designed for        0               43200 HP set up & end of job
43230HP          Green      side      liner   superior half-tone and combined print results.        0
43240HP           Blue                                                                                 20%  40%  60%  80%                      100%
                                                Medium hardness foam tape designed for
                                                    half-tone and combined print results.

                                               Hard hardness foam tape designed for pure
                                                              block printing results

                         For further information please contact Scapa customer care:

                         English				Français

                         Tel	 +44 (0) 161 301 7400	 Tel	 +33 (0) 475 44 80 00                     
                         Italiano				Deutsch

                         Tel	 +39 0161 867 400	  Tel	 +49 (0) 621 470 91-0
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