Page 45 - Barkev Product Catalogue
P. 45

Scapa Hardmount Range

Hardmount features:                                                 PVC film or            e-PVC or     Rubber
                                                                    paper liner             MOPP       adhesive
•	 Selection of PVC corrugated filmic and paper liners
      - to assist in the release of air bubbles during mounting                   Rubber
      process and improves   print quality.                                      adhesive

•	 Choice of flexible carriers (MOPP or PVC) that stay flat
      after unwinding to ease mounting process, enable easy
      repositioning of the plate and great conformability to
      the sleeve or cylinder.

•	 Printing grade rubber adhesive on both sides ensures
      a secure bond between the plate and tape as well as
      cylinder or sleeve. The specialist adhesive formulation
      ensures clean removal, great resistance to solvents and
      chemicals and will not damage the plate.

Scapa tapes can also be tailored to meet individual
customer needs.

Double sided rigid films with filmic corrugated liner

   Product Colour   Characteristics                      Thickness  Adhesive      *Peel       Temp.    Plate              Application
                                                            (mm)      (both    Adhesion    Resistance  Type
                                                            0.10      sides)   (N/25mm)

                    PVC Film. Soft brown PVC                0.20    High tack                                 For applications where a 100μm tape
                    corrugated filmic liner for ease of             pressure
   43010    Clear   lamination process and removal.         0.30    sensitive  11                             is required to make up the correct plate
                                                                     rubber                                   / tape thickness. Used in label printing

                                                                                                              and corrugated board industries.

                    PVC Film. Soft white PVC                                                           Photo- For applications where a 200μm tape
                    corrugated filmic liner for ease of                                                polymer is required to make up the correct plate
   43023    Clear   lamination process and removal.                            12          max +           / / tape thickness. Used in label printing
                                                                                                       Rubber and corrugated board industries.

                    MOPP Film. Soft green PVC                                                                 For applications where a 300μm tape
                    corrugated liner for ease of
   43030    Clear   lamination process and removal.                            10                             is required to make up the correct plate
                                                                                                              / tape thickness. Used in label printing

                                                                                                              and corrugated board industries.

Double sided rigid films with paper liner

   Product  Colour  Characteristics                      Thickness  Adhesive      *Peel       Temp.    Plate              Application
    4311     Clear                                          (mm)      (both    Adhesion    Resistance  Type
                                                                      sides)   (N/25mm)

                                                                    High tack                          Photo- For applications where a 100μm tape
                    PVC Film. Yellow siliconised paper   0.10       sensitive  13          max +       polymer is required to make up the correct plate
                    liner.                                           rubber                70°C            / / tape thickness. Used in label printing

                                                                                                       Rubber and corrugated board industries.

Double sided cloth

   Product Colour   Characteristics                      Thickness  Adhesive      *Peel       Temp.    Plate              Application
                                                            (mm)      (both    Adhesion    Resistance  Type
                                                                      sides)   (N/25mm)

                                                                    High tack                          Photo- Used for printing in corrugated board
   174      White   Woven cotton cloth carrier. Natural  0.33       sensitive  14          max +       polymer market where a 330μm tape is required
                    kraft release liner.                             rubber                70°C            / to make up the correct plate / tape

                                                                                                       Rubber thickness.

* Peel adhesion tested on steel at a 180° angle.

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