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P. 36

Science Y3/Y4 – Water – week 9

                                                    WATER AS ICE

        Truth to Teach (Source)
              To reinforce the fact that water can exist as liquid, gas or solid.

              To create a mind-map about icebergs.

              To learn that ice forms when liquid water freezes at 0°C.

              To learn that frost forms when water vapour freezes.

              To recognise that ice needs more space than liquid water and is also lighter than water.

        Way to Work (Means)
              1.   Review the previous work.

              2.   Remind the children that water can be found in three forms – liquid, solid, gas.

              3.   Show the children a picture of an iceberg. Create a mind-map on the board as they share
                   all they know about icebergs. Have resource books available for more information. Some
                   children may like to create their own mind map too. (More able children may like to do the
                   same for igloos.)

              4.   Perform an experiment with an ice cube in a jar of water to show that ice floats and takes
                   up space. (Mark the water surface level.) An ice cube could be allowed to melt then the
                   space taken up by the water compared to how much is taken up by the ice cube.

              5.   A small bottle filled to the brim could be placed in a freezer to show how the frozen water
                   will rise up above the brim.

              6.   Ask the children if they know why roads often have cracks and pot-holes after the winter.
                   (Water in the cracks freezes and expands, so breaking up the surface of the road).

              7.   Ask the children why we put salt on icy roads. (Salt water does not freeze at such a high
                   temperature.) Put an ice-cube in a bowl of water, with a matchstick lying on the ice-cube.
                   Sprinkle salt over the top of the cube. The ice should melt except under the matchstick
                   so that the matchstick sticks onto the cube.

              8.   Let the children complete their worksheet.

              9.   Gather back to reinforce the main teaching points.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
               The children will have learned about the characteristics of frozen water, how icebergs are
               formed and how to show information in the form of a mind map.

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