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Lessons 10/11

        Truth to Teach (Source)

               Job 14:18-19          Erosion

               Luke 18:5             Parable of Persistent Widow (wearing away)

                Definition and study of glaciers

                To learn about arêtes, corries and hanging valleys

                To study the effect of glaciers moving down valleys and producing  moraines

        Way to Work (Means)

             1.  Review the previous lessons.

             2.  Show the children pictures of glaciers and seek to establish how much they already

                 know about glaciers.

             3.  Explain that the term ice age can be used to refer to a single glaciation or to a
                 period of repeated glaciations. It is thought that there was an ice age 20,000 years

                 ago when a quarter of the earth was covered in ice. Huge glaciers made the river
                 valleys wider and deeper as well as cutting hollows in the sides of valleys.

             4.  Glaciations are characterised by huge ice sheets extending from Pole to Pole on the
                 earth. The climate is cool and wet. Sea levels drop due to the amount of water above

                 sea level in the ice caps. At present there is great concern at the rate in which ice
                 sheets are melting due to global warming.

             5.  Talk about the formation of arêtes and corries. (An arête is a narrow knife-edge

                 ridge separating two corries, eg Striding Edge on Helvellyn. Corries are arm-chair
                 shaped hollows found in the side of a mountain, eg Helvellyn in Cumbria.) Show
                 pictures of a hanging valley, a side valley formed by a small glacier.

             6.  Let the children discover more and consolidate their learning by completing the
                 worksheet or by conducting their own research on the Internet or from books.


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