P. 5

Science Y6 - Overview

                                            Y6 SCIENCE (9-11 YEAR OLDS)

        Truth to Teach (Source)

        God, the Creator of the Universe, is eager for us to appreciate, understand and be good stewards of his creation, for his
        glory. The aim is to instil in the children a sense of wonder and worship as they see God’s wisdom in creation.  The children
        should be trained to consider science from a Christian worldview.

        Psalm 24:1            ‘The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.’

        Genesis 1:28-30       ‘God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue
                              it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves
                              along the ground.”’

            Subjects covered:
                                 •   Living and non-living things
                                 •   Characteristics of living things
                                 •   Characteristics of materials
                                 •   Weathering and soil
                                 •   Health education
                                 •   Human biology
                                 •   Electricity
                                 •   Sound
                                 •   Light
                                 •   Forces
        The children will also learn: -

            a)  That science is concerned with thinking creatively to explain the workings of living and non-living things and
            establishing connections between causes and effects.

            b)  That it is crucial to test ideas with evidence from observations and/or measurements.

            c)  Investigative skills, eg posing questions, using a variety of information sources, fair testing.

        Way to Work (Means)

        Science is a continuous, active process whereby a child is made aware of his environment through the development of skills,
        abilities and attitudes. Scientific skills include:

                   •   Observing
                   •   Questioning
                   •   Sorting and classifying
                   •   Comparing
                   •   Predicting
                   •   Hypothesising
                   •   Communication

        Weekly lessons will combine a theoretical and practical approach to Science. The children will work individually, in groups
        and as a class.  Two Science projects will also be used:-

               Marvellous Me (Human biology)
               God’s Amazing Matters (Physical science)

        Class visits and speakers will supplement the lessons as part of the course.
        Videos/DVDs as appropriate

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