P. 13

Science Y2 – Parent Guide
               for wisdom in their work, realising that the Holy Spirit reveals truth to us.)  We’re going to do
               the same today!

           3.  Show the parachutes constructed of different materials.  Do you think they will all fall at the
               same speed?  Which one do you think will fall the fastest?  Do we want a parachute to fall
               really fast?  Which one do you think might fall the slowest?

               How might we test them?  (Out of many possible suggestions reach one which is workable for
               you!  I suggest releasing them at the same time. Appoint some children to look for the first
               two to land, and some to look for the last two.  Results could be recorded in a table.  Repeat
               the experiment two more times to confirm results.)

           4.  Draw out how scientists aim to make their experiments fair, and to be exact in their
               observations. Their aim is to serve others with what they discover, and explain that God gives
               certain people patience, skill and perseverance to work for months and years doing
               experiments and recording their results, with the aim of one day making a difference for good
               with what they have discovered.  Maybe God wants to use some of the children as scientists,
               when they grow up.

           5.  Results need to be recorded – can they think why? – and this can be done in a table and/or as
               a drawing, showing the relative positions of the parachutes as they fell.  Conclusions can be
               drawn about the best material for a parachute.  Key features are that it needs to trap air, be
               light and not tear.

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