P. 18
Science Y2 – Parent Guide
Truth to Teach (Source)
Water can soften and transform some hard and dry substances, either temporarily or
permanently. This reminds us that dry and thirsty souls find rest and refreshment in the
presence of God, the Source of Living Water. (Isaiah 44:3; John 7:38; Isaiah 35:6-7)
Way to Work (Means)
1. Use the Usborne book on ‘Deserts’. Look and consider pictures of a desert without
rain, and then after rainfall. Note that change has taken place. Water has brought
about this change.
2. Refer to Isaiah 35 where God shows us a picture of how He will change His people.
Just as rain totally changes a desert land, so God would change deadness, dullness and
hardness in His people and bring about beauty and life and colour and richness.
How does He do this? As we come to Him, and spend time in his presence, the Holy
Spirit does His softening and changing work in our hearts.
3. This half term we are going to be looking at how water may change some things. If we
soak things in water - refer to various objects on the worksheet – will they change in
any way?
4. Divide into groups, each equipped with a glass tank of water and access to the range of
articles of different materials. Keep one set of articles to act as a control. If possible
have an adult to supervise each group. Children take it in turn to put an object in the
water and to comment on what changes he / she feels. After completing the
experiment children should squeeze any excess water out of the objects and leave
them to dry. Children can complete the first part of the worksheet.
About two or three days later
5. Look at the dried-off objects. Notice how some things look the same as the control
group – they show no lasting change. Some things, however, do not look like the control
group. These objects have been permanently changed by being soaked in water and
then drying out. Record this information on the worksheet.
6. When we ‘soak’ or spend time in God’s presence, that brings about a good change in us.
We can easily dry out too, so what do you think we need to remember?!
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
For the children to experience how water may soften and change things.