P. 21
Science Y2 – Parent Guide
Truth to Teach (Source)
Wise stewardship is God’s heart.
God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden care for it. (Genesis 2:15)
Way to Work (Means)
1. Picture a really hot day. You have been walking or running, and then you come to a stream.
You think how you long for a long, cool drink. That would be really refreshing. The Bible says
that God is like a ‘spring of living water’ (Jeremiah. 2:13) What do you think that means?
2. Going back again to the stream, would it be safe to bend down and have a drink from a river or
a stream?
The water might look clean, but is it? Chemicals or fertilisers may be dissolved in the water,
and if this is the case the water is not clean. It is polluted. When God made the world and
put Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to take care of it, the water was always clean and
pure. When sin entered the world, so too did germs. Obviously a good farmer will try his best
not to allow the streams running through his land to get polluted. Since we cannot be sure
whether a stream is clean or not, it is best not to drink.
3. What about seawater? Can we drink it? What is dissolved in it?
4. God planned that the seawater would be salty and that river water would be different, with no
salt (fresh water). He put some kinds of fish in the seas and others kinds of fish in the rivers.
This is part of God’s plan.
5. If we can’t drink seawater and it is unwise to drink fresh water from streams, can we drink
water at all? It has to be filtered or cleaned first, and then you can enjoy a refreshing glass
of water, and it will do your body good.
6. Complete the worksheet started the previous week.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
For the children to desire to be wise stewards of the earth.
For the children to be aware of the reality of polluted water and to be wise.