P. 5

Science Y2 -Parent Guide
                                              MOVING THROUGH AIR
        Truth to Teach (Source)

               Heart concepts

               Mark 4:4       God controls the movement of the winds.  “Who is this?  Even the wind and the
                              waves obey Him!”

               John 3: 8      ‘The wind blows wherever it pleases.  You hear the sound but you cannot tell
                              where it comes from or where it is going.  So it is with everyone born of the

               There is an ease to moving in the flow of the Spirit, just as there is an ease in moving with the
               wind at your back.

               Academic concepts

               Air can aid things moving with it; it can also resist things moving against it.

               Hot air rises.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

               1.      For the children to be more aware of how air aids or slows things moving through it.

               2.      To perceive the parallels to moving with the Spirit and to desire to live like this.

               3.      To become more skilled at conducting fair tests and recording their work in a way that
                       serves others.

        Way to Work (Means)

                      To experience and observe movement through air through several experiments.

                      To record observations and results.

                      Week 1         Investigating air around us.

                      Week 2         Investigating hot air.  Hot air balloons.

                      Week 3         Investigating air resistance

                      Weeks 4 / 5   Investigating homemade parachutes. What happens when the
                                            size and material are changed?

                      Week 6          Test

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