P. 24

Science Y6 – Marvellous Me – lesson 3

                                                 DRY AND PROTECTED

        Truth to Teach (Source)

               Fascinating facts about skin

               The different colours of skin

               The function of skin

        Way to Work (Means)

            1.   Review the previous lessons.

            2.   Read out some fascinating facts without mentioning the word ‘skin’ then ask the children if they can guess what is
                being referred to. (Skin)
                          •   It is the largest organ in the body.
                          •   It covers about 2 square metres.
                          •   It makes up about 7%-15% of the body weight.
                          •   In some places on the body it is thick, in some places it is thin.
                          •   It weighs twice as much as a brain.

            3.   Give the children the worksheet to read and answer questions about the skin.

            4.   Gather back to give them a quiz on skin to ensure they have understood the work. Talk about people with
                 different coloured skins and how God created each one and loves each one. He asks us to love everyone too.

            5.   Talk about how we can care for our skin, e.g. using sun tan lotion, keeping wounds clean, using creams for dry skin.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

            1.   The children should have learnt about the function of skin and the importance of it.

            2.   They should be aware of how we care for our skin.

            3.   They should recognise that we are all created and loved by God and that we should love, respect and accept
                 everyone, regardless of their skin colour.

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