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Science Y3/Y4 – Heat – week 5 - test

                                       HEAT TEST                                  Name: __________________

        1.     Name four objects which give us heat.

               a)      ____________________                b)     ____________________

               c)      ____________________                d)     ____________________                (4 marks)

        2.     Which instrument is used to measure heat? ____________________                         (1 mark)

        3.     What are the freezing and boiling points of water? a) __________        b) __________
                                                                                                      (2 marks)
        4.     What do we mean by ‘lukewarm’? _____________________________________________________

               ________________________________________________________________________               (1 mark)

        5.     Which gas do most substances need for them to burn? ____________________               (1 mark)

        6.     Draw a labelled picture of an experiment you did to show that most burning substances need
               this gas to burn.                                                                      (5 marks)

        7.     Why do we use different kinds of fire extinguishers in school? ___________________________

               _________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

        8.     What must firemen do to put out fires?      ______________________________________________

               _________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

        9.     Why do hot air balloons rise up in the air? _____________________________________________

               _________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

        10.    What do we mean by ‘hypothermia’? __________________________________________________

               _________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

        11.    What do we mean by ‘insulation’? _____________________________________________________

               _________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

                                                                                               Total marks = 20

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