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P. 49

Science Y3/Y4 – Forces – rhymes


        Push, pull! Push and pull!
        These are the forces that God made.

        Puff, blow! Puff and blow!                                       (Straws and balls)
        Which direction will it go?

        Go then slow! Go then slow!                                      (Toy cars along table top)
        Friction is the force that makes cars slow.

        Down, down, down and down                                        (Drop items)
        Gravity pulls us to the ground.

        Stretch and squash, stretch and squash,                          (Elastic bands)
        Energy is found in elastic bands.

        Air flow, air flow,
        Resistance makes the parachute slow.                             (Parachutes)

        Round, round, round and round,
        The spinning top slows upon the ground.                          (Spinning tops on table top)

        Grip, grip, we must not trip,
        If the road’s icy we will slip!                                  (Mime actions)

        Round and round, our bikes wheel,
        Squeeze our brakes with a squeal!                                (Mime)

        In and out, in and out,
        Push the spring with a shout!                                    (Spring)

        Up and down, up and down,
        Trampoline – don’t hit the ground!                               (Jumping)

        Magnets attract, but some repel,
        Iron is the best, we can tell.                                   (Magnets)

        These are the laws that God made,
        They don’t change and must be obeyed.

        Like his love they stay the same
        He is faithful and for us he came.

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