Page 46 - Novus Holdings In The News 2019
P. 46

National Recycling Day: What is the cost of NOT recycling?
                        Spokesperson: Michelene Locke, Sales and Marketing Director at ITB Flexible Packaging Solutions

                       19 September 2019: With the spotlight on National Recycling Day on Friday 18 September and in the run up
                       to Recycling Week between 16 and 21 September 2019, industry experts are calling for consumers to learn
                       about the environmental benefits of recycling.
                       Michelene Locke, sales director at ITB Flexible Packaging Solutions (ITB), a Novus Holdings company, says that
                       consumers need to understand why recycling is key to keeping plastic out of the environment, and our oceans.

                       “Plastic is not inherently bad; it is our behaviour around plastic that needs to change. In some cases, plastic has
                       the least cost to the environment, as long as it is recycled,” says Locke.
                       She says that plastic, if recycled, underpins the economic concept of the ‘circular economy’, in which products
                       and materials are kept in use to build economic, natural, and social capital.

                       “Plastics can make a major contribution towards a circular economy, helping to achieve a more sustainable
                       and resource-efficient future. Instead of using plastic once and then discarding it, by recycling it, consumers
                       can play an active part in keeping the material out of landfills and oceans,” says Locke, adding that single-use
                       plastic products can take hundreds of years to decompose if not recycled.
                       She adds that while plastic-free shopping bags, such as biodegradable or compostable bags are being explored
                       as alternatives to plastic bags and adopted by some SA retailers, the research shows that this may actually be
                       at higher cost to the environment, than continuing to use plastic bags.
                       Furthermore, a report compiled for the American Chemistry Council by renowned research firm TruCost in
                       2016 estimates that substituting plastic in consumer products and packaging with alternatives that perform
                       the same function would increase environmental costs from $139 billion to a total of $533 billion.
                       Locke says that consumers must arm themselves with the facts, as “well-intentioned actions to protect the
                       environment can actually be counter-productive”, such as ignoring the entire environmental footprint of
                       products that are believed to be better for the environment.
                       “A cucumber wrapped in 1.5 grams of plastic lasts 14 days, while one without stays fresh for three days. The
                       cost of re-producing a cucumber to replace the one that has gone bad is far higher to the environment, than
                       the cost of producing 1.5 grams of plastic; provided that the plastic is then recycled.”

                       Locke adds that consumers should understand that sustainable material management, which looks at the
                       life-cycle aspects of packaging and the use of natural resources, suggests that there is a far higher cost to the
                       environment to use plastic-free alternatives, than using plastic responsibly by recycling.

                       “It is about understanding the choices we make. In order to make a true environmental impact, we must make
                       informed choices, and behave responsibly,” concludes Locke.

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