Page 12 - Dinq Magazine August 2020 Edition
P. 12
ife can be a beautiful journey, a crazy ride, and a big adven- because they focus on the people they love, the opportunities that are 7. Watch for New Opportunities
ture. But it can also be a living nightmare, a constant struggle, everywhere around them, the things they enjoy doing, the time they You can truly live a life full of excitement if you choose to live outside
ife can be a beautiful journey, a crazy ride, and a big adven-
because they focus on the people they love, the opportunities that are
7. Watch for New Opportunities
and a hard teacher. It’s all up to you. have, the place they live in, and the friends that surround them. your comfort zone[4] every once in a while.
everywhere around them, the things they enjoy doing, the time they
ture. But it can also be a living nightmare, a constant struggle,
You can truly live a life full of excitement if you choose to live outside
In each moment, you choose which side of it to embrace, and Being grateful doesn’t mean being happy all the time. It simply means Take risks, try new things, do what scares you and challenge yourself
your comfort zone[4] every once in a while.
have, the place they live in, and the friends that surround them.
and a hard teacher. It’s all up to you.
that you can recognize that things will get better during hard times
that a
L ffects your mind, body and soul, your present and your Being grateful doesn’t mean being happy all the time. It simply means as much as you can. That’s how you grow and improve, and that’s
In each moment, you choose which side of it to embrace, and
Take risks, try new things, do what scares you and challenge yourself
L ffects your mind, body and soul, your present and your
that an you become, as well as other people in your life. Here
how you feel free and full of life.
future, the perso that you can recognize that things will get better during hard times as much as you can. That’s how you grow and improve, and that’s
and that you will come out on the other side. It means you can see the
To get started, try saying yes to o
future, the person you become, as well as other people in your life. Here
and that you will come out on the other side. It means you can see the
are some of the choices you need to make in order to see this world for good when other’s can’t and that your positive outlook permeates most how you feel free and full of life. ne new thing each week. If your
friend invites you to go try out that new restaurant downtown, say
are some of the choices you need to make in order to see this world for
of life’s challenges.
the wonderful place it is, full of opportunities, kindness, and love. good when other’s can’t and that your positive outlook permeates most To get started, try saying yes to one new thing each week. If your
the wonderful place it is, full of opportunities, kindness, and love. of life’s challenges. t gratitude, don’t worry! There are simple ways to yes. If you’re sister wants to go to a karaoke bar, get up there and
friend invites you to go try out that new restaurant downtown, say
If you’re not great a
yes. If you’re sister wants to go to a karaoke bar, get up there and go.
get started. The easiest is to start a gratitude journal. Start by writing
1. Let Go of the Past If you’re not great at gratitude, don’t worry! There are simple ways to sing. If you see a sign for a free dance class, go ahead and give it a
sing. If you see a sign for a free dance class, go ahead and give it a go.
You won’t be able to continue your life and enjoy your days if you’re get started. The easiest is to start a gratitude journal. Start by writing What do you have to lose?
1. Let Go of the Past
just three things each day that you were grateful for. These could
You won’t be able to continue your life and enjoy your days if you’re just three things each day that you were grateful for. These could What do you have to lose?
include people you talked to, a positive experience you had, or a gift
stuck in past memories and constantly reliving what happened a long
stuck in past memories and constantly reliving what happened a long include people you talked to, a positive experience you had, or a gift 8. Choose Kindness
time ago.
you received.
time ago. you received. 8. Choose Kindness
Free yourself from the burden of the past by letting go. We often hold on
Be kind to everyone you meet. No matter how they treat you, you can
Free yourself from the burden of the past by letting go. We often hold on 5. Stop Worrying About the Future Be kind to everyone you meet. No matter how they treat you, you can
always be polite, smile, and offer help.
the death’s of loved ones, mistakes made in relationships, things we said
the death’s of loved ones, mistakes made in relationships, things we said 5. Stop Worrying About the Future always be polite, smile, and offer help.
By constantly thinking about what might happen, you miss out on the
It’s true that we often contribute someone’s bad mood to a flaw in
when we were angry, or decisions we made that led us in the wrong
when we were angry, or decisions we made that led us in the wrong By constantly thinking about what might happen, you miss out on the It’s true that we often contribute someone’s bad mood to a flaw in
their personality, but most of the time they are simply having a bad
present moment, which is where life is happening.
direction. present moment, which is where life is happening. their personality, but most of the time they are simply having a bad
We worry about tomorrow, fearing something bad might happen. We
However, each of those things can offer a lesson for how to move for-
day. Maybe they just had their heart broken, lost a loved one, got
However, each of those things can offer a lesson for how to move for- We worry about tomorrow, fearing something bad might happen. We day. Maybe they just had their heart broken, lost a loved one, got
ward. Now that you know what not to do, let the lessons lead you toward
try to predict it, we prepare for everything, and we try to plan our
fired, or just got a bad medical diagnosis. What they need more than
ward. Now that you know what not to do, let the lessons lead you toward try to predict it, we prepare for everything, and we try to plan our fired, or just got a bad medical diagnosis. What they need more than
days. However, most things in life just happen, and the only thing we
something better.
anything is a kind word or a smile, and you can easily give it to them.
something better. days. However, most things in life just happen, and the only thing we anything is a kind word or a smile, and you can easily give it to them.
can do is enjoy it to the fullest and make the best of it.
Once you start offering kindness, you’ll be surprised by how quickly it
Meditation is a great way to overcome harmful reliving of the past. Try
Meditation is a great way to overcome harmful reliving of the past. Try can do is enjoy it to the fullest and make the best of it. Once you start offering kindness, you’ll be surprised by how quickly it
is returned to you. Not only will you improve someone else’s day, but
sneaking in a few minutes of meditation each day to stop the reminiscing
Life is full of surprises, and that’s a good thing. By expecting the worst
sneaking in a few minutes of meditation each day to stop the reminiscing Life is full of surprises, and that’s a good thing. By expecting the worst is returned to you. Not only will you improve someone else’s day, but
you’ll find that you feel better in return.
in its tracks.
to happen, you complicate life and make it hard. So let go of all those
in its tracks. to happen, you complicate life and make it hard. So let go of all those you’ll find that you feel better in return.
Make it a goal to say one kind thing to someone each day. This could
worries and the need to control and predict everything.
2. Don’t Take Things Too Personally worries and the need to control and predict everything. Make it a goal to say one kind thing to someone each day. This could
The so-called Type “A’s” out there[3] will find this more difficult. If
include sending a nice text to your mom, complimenting a friend’s
2. Don’t Take Things Too Personally The so-called Type “A’s” out there[3] will find this more difficult. If include sending a nice text to your mom, complimenting a friend’s
We tend to overthink every little detail of our days. We think life is unfair
outfit, or telling a joke to the cashier to make him laugh. Whatever it
you fall into this category, you’re likely a control freak or a perfection-
We tend to overthink every little detail of our days. We think life is unfair you fall into this category, you’re likely a control freak or a perfection- outfit, or telling a joke to the cashier to make him laugh. Whatever it
when something bad happens. We keep asking ”why” when someone
ist who doesn’t handle change or surprises well. Stopping those
is, just keep it kind.
when something bad happens. We keep asking ”why” when someone ist who doesn’t handle change or surprises well. Stopping those is, just keep it kind.
worrying thoughts may be a challenge, but they can be done.
leaves us. We fail and give up. But most of these things shouldn’t be
leaves us. We fail and give up. But most of these things shouldn’t be worrying thoughts may be a challenge, but they can be done. Final Thoughts
Work first on some relaxation techniques, including practicing your
taken personally. People leave, they argue or are mean because theyhave
taken personally. People leave, they argue or are mean because theyhave Work first on some relaxation techniques, including practicing your Final Thoughts
their own problems, they are misunderstood, or they just don’t need you favorite sport, yoga, or meditation. These will get your mind pulled Learning how to live a good life can be difficult when the world is so
their own problems, they are misunderstood, or they just don’t need you favorite sport, yoga, or meditation. These will get your mind pulled Learning how to live a good life can be difficult when the world is so
anymore. It’s not your fault. back into the present, and after some practice, it will become second full of complications and negative news. However, by starting with
anymore. It’s not your fault. back into the present, and after some practice, it will become second full of complications and negative news. However, by starting with
You make mistakes and fail, yes. And the beauty of it is that you get to nature. these 8 choices, you can turn your perspective around and start living
these 8 choices, you can turn your perspective around and start living
You make mistakes and fail, yes. And the beauty of it is that you get to
try again, more experienced and confident this time. That’s how leaders each day in a more positive way.
try again, more experienced and confident this time. That’s how leaders
each day in a more positive way.
are created. No one succeeds from scratch. 6. Realize That You Are Enough
are created. No one succeeds from scratch.
6. Realize That You Are Enough
You may meet bad people, end up in awkward situations, have things You don’t really need anyone to make you feel good and to start living, Get started and make the best of what life has given you.
Get started and make the best of what life has given you.
You don’t really need anyone to make you feel good and to start living,
You may meet bad people, end up in awkward situations, have things
taken from you, or lose something important to you. Learn to look at so stop waiting for them. That’s just
so stop waiting for them. That’s just
taken from you, or lose something important to you. Learn to look at
challenges with a sense of humor and a lightness of heart that will allow another excuse that keeps you from
challenges with a sense of humor and a lightness of heart that will allow
another excuse that keeps you from
you to overcome them and move on more quickly. dealing with things.
you to overcome them and move on more quickly.
dealing with things.
There may be a void inside you, but
There may be a void inside you, but
3. Choose Less Over More another person won’t fill it. You
3. Choose Less Over More
another person won’t fill it. You
In today’s world, it’s easy to overdo it, to buy too much, eat too much, need to fix your relationship with
In today’s world, it’s easy to overdo it, to buy too much, eat too much,
need to fix your relationship with
spend too much on that new phone they just released, or work too much. yourself first — to start loving,
spend too much on that new phone they just released, or work too much.
yourself first — to start loving,
Get rid of some of the things cluttering your house, speak less so that you appreciating and accepting yourself
Get rid of some of the things cluttering your house, speak less so that you
appreciating and accepting yourself
can listen more, eat less or healthier, and dress more simply. for the person you are.
for the person you are.
can listen more, eat less or healthier, and dress more simply.
Eliminate the people in your life that only burden you with negativity, Many people let their lack of a
Many people let their lack of a
Eliminate the people in your life that only burden you with negativity,
because you don’t need them. Shorten your to-do list by focusing on the romantic relationship stop them
because you don’t need them. Shorten your to-do list by focusing on the
romantic relationship stop them
essential things you have to do and ditch everything else that only keeps from doing things, from going out
essential things you have to do and ditch everything else that only keeps
from doing things, from going out
you busy. with friends to taking that big
with friends to taking that big
you busy.
By cutting back on areas where you feel you can, you can create space for
By cutting back on areas where you feel you can, you can create space for vacation they’ve been planning.
vacation they’ve been planning.
your hobbies, passions, and the important people in your life[1]. Ulti-
your hobbies, passions, and the important people in your life[1]. Ulti- Ultimately, many of these things can
Ultimately, many of these things can
mately, you’ll find that you don’t miss most of that extra stuff. be done alone once you build up
mately, you’ll find that you don’t miss most of that extra stuff.
be done alone once you build up
your self-esteem and courage and
your self-esteem and courage and
4. Appreciate What You Have accept that being alone and be-
4. Appreciate What You Have
accept that being alone and be-
Grateful people live great lives[2].
Grateful people live great lives[2]. ing you is a great gift.
ing you is a great gift.
They are thankful each day for what they have and are so much happier s n oop y - c h a r lie - w a l l pa p e r no op y
They are thankful each day for what they have and are so much happier
s n oop y - c h a r lie - w a l l pa p e r no op y
12 “ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር“ ድንቅ መጽሔት - ነሐሴ 2012
12 “ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር“ ድንቅ መጽሔት - ነሐሴ 2012