Page 32 - Dinq Magazine August 2020 Edition
P. 32
ከበደ ኃይሌ ዓምድ
ከበደ ኃይሌ ዓምድ
Part 6
T Part 6 got chance to read them, it might be
munity to build fair relationship
his series we will
amongst us while attempting dre
munity to build fair relationship am
present the semi-
his series we will
helpful to reread the said articles that
got chance to read them, it might be
amongst us while attempting dream
come true.
present the semi-
final part of this top-
helpful to reread the said articles that
have been in the monthly Dinq Magazine
come true.
This has definitely brings concrete im-
final part of this top-
have been in the monthly Dinq Magazine
ic beginning with the
issues entitled “Employee-employers’
pact on the owners’ own lives but plays
ic beginning with the
remaining portion of
Relations in the Farmers Market (የአሰሪና
pact on the owners’ own lives but plays
a constructive role in their communities
remaining portion of
roles the Ethiopian-owned grocery
Relations in the Farmers Market (የአሰሪና
ሠራተኛ ግንኙነት በፋርመርስ ማርኬት, 2013). In
a constructive role in their communities
roles the Ethiopian-owned grocery This has definitely brings concrete im- issues entitled “Employee-employers’
by scarifying their money, substantial
stores play following by the risks the
ሠራተኛ ግንኙነት በፋርመርስ ማርኬት, 2013). In
addition, “The Migration of Ethiopians and
time and their skills. When this virtue is
stores play following by the risks the by scarifying their money, substantial addition, “The Migration of Ethiopians and
owners’ face while operating their busi-
Their Lives, (ስደትና ኑሮ በአሜሪካ እ.ኢ.አ
owners’ face while operating their busi- time and their skills. When this virtue is Their Lives, (ስደትና ኑሮ በአሜሪካ እ.ኢ.አ
built up in the community, it could set
ness. 1996/ 2004 “ዓ.ም ታትሞ በወጣው መጽሐፍ፤ገጽ
ness. built up in the community, it could set 1996/ 2004 “ዓ.ም ታትሞ በወጣው መጽሐፍ፤ገጽ
an example to others where helping and
One of the roles the Ethiopian store 93 ”የኢትዮጵያውያን ሥራ ፍለጋ በአሜሪካን.”
One of the roles the Ethiopian store an example to others where helping and 93 ”የኢትዮጵያውያን ሥራ ፍለጋ በአሜሪካን.”
living for others become contribution to
owners’ playing was offering Job op- For those employees working at these
owners’ playing was offering Job op- living for others become contribution to For those employees working at these
a better community. In this instance, the
portunity to the new comers. Being stores as a first job is considered as a well
portunity to the new comers. Being a better community. In this instance, the stores as a first job is considered as a well
“Decatur Farmers Market” in DeKalb
new to the environment with little come gestures. The Ethiopian immi-
new to the environment with little “Decatur Farmers Market” in DeKalb come gestures. The Ethiopian immi-
English speaking language skills is diffi- County must be given a huge credit both grants working in a place where Amharic
English speaking language skills is diffi- County must be given a huge credit both grants working in a place where Amharic
cult where to go to find jobs and how in the past and present time for continu- and other common languages are spoken
cult where to go to find jobs and how in the past and present time for continu- and other common languages are spoken
to associate with the mainstream. I am ally hiring the newly arrived Ethiopian is a golden opportunity. On the other
to associate with the mainstream. I am ally hiring the newly arrived Ethiopian is a golden opportunity. On the other
pretty sure many of us have seen how immigrants for many years. hand, working in landscape of Ethiopi-
immigrants for many years.
pretty sure many of us have seen how hand, working in landscape of Ethiopi-
sitting audile is indeed a mind languish- In this regard, both the Ethiopian Stores ans resided town businesses or shops
In this regard, both the Ethiopian Stores
ans resided town businesses or shops
sitting audile is indeed a mind languish-
ing and disappointing. and Decatur Farmers Market earned a that primarily employ immigrants, health
and Decatur Farmers Market earned a
that primarily employ immigrants, health
ing and disappointing.
Conversely, having work is considered massive credit for providing jobs to insurance and a fair pay is a rarity. More
massive credit for providing jobs to
insurance and a fair pay is a rarity. More
Conversely, having work is considered
newly arrived Ethiopians to enable them
not only as a means of make a living, newly arrived Ethiopians to enable them so, Ethiopian owned grocery stores have
so, Ethiopian owned grocery stores have
not only as a means of make a living,
build work experience and to be ac-
but also serve as springboard for gain- build work experience and to be ac- even helping them until the new Ethiopi-
even helping them until the new Ethiopi-
but also serve as springboard for gain-
quainted with American work environ-
ing pertinent work experience and skills quainted with American work environ- an immigrants stand on their feet and
an immigrants stand on their feet and
ing pertinent work experience and skills
ment. For this I am sincerely proud of
until some of employees gain their Green
opening venue to human, to surround- ment. For this I am sincerely proud of until some of employees gain their Green
opening venue to human, to surround-
them and send them a virtue hag wher-
Cards. There is a catch in return too. The
ings areas, and maintain self state of them and send them a virtue hag wher- Cards. There is a catch in return too. The
ings areas, and maintain self state of
ever they are.
main reasons why they preferred to hir-
health. Truly speaking, the store own-
health. Truly speaking, the store own- ever they are. main reasons why they preferred to hir-
Previously, several articles have been
ers put themselves in loses side in the Previously, several articles have been ing the newly arrived immigrants are be-
ing the newly arrived immigrants are be-
ers put themselves in loses side in the
published in this concern in both Am-
service of others. It is in this spirit of published in this concern in both Am- cause they are hassle free, layman, loyal
cause they are hassle free, layman, loyal
service of others. It is in this spirit of
haric and English. Those who haven’t
living for others and serving the com- haric and English. Those who haven’t and low pay employees.
and low pay employees.
living for others and serving the com-
Continued on page 42
Continued on page 42
32 “ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር“ ድንቅ መጽሔት - ነሐሴ 2012
32 “ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር“ ድንቅ መጽሔት - ነሐሴ 2012