Page 25 - DinQ 222 July 2021
P. 25

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        5900 Sugarloaf Pkwy -  Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043  Sugarloaf Mills

      Fashion Value

                                                                                       678 847 5000

                                                                                       ሰመረ ብለው ያነጋግሩ!

                                                                                        ጊዜው የሰርግ እና የምርቃት ነው!
                   Off               Check Out Our Latest Collection of                 በተመጣጣኝ ዋጋ የምናቀባቸውን

                                  Affordable men and womens Cloth-                        ልብሶች ገዝተው ሽክ ይበሉ!
                                         ing to Elevate Your Outfit.

                        Find Your Favorite Look!
                                                                          A Great Selection of men Clothing

          Find Your Favorite Look!                                     Now, we are Hiring
                                                                       ሰራተኛ እየቀጠርን ነው!

                                                                              Up to 80% Off.

          5900 Sugarloaf Pkwy -  Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043  Sugarloaf Mills
           “ኢትዮጵያ በክብር ለዘላለም ትኑር”                    ድንቅ መጽሔት                                    ሃምሌ 2021             25
              DINQ MEGAZINE       April      2021                                              STAY SAFE                                                                                  25
                                             678 847 5000    ሰመረ ብለው ያነጋግሩ!

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