Page 2 - Cyber Byte August 2023
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A) New Realst macOS malware on macOS. This type of malware will steal
duping through fake blockchain data from the victim’s web browsers and
games cryptocurrency wallet apps and send them
back to the threat actors. Sentinel One
A new Mac malware named “Realst” analysed 59 Mach-O samples of the Realst
is being used in a massive campaign malware found by iamdeadlyz, focusing on
targeting Apple computers, with some of its its macOS versions, and found several distinct
latest variants including support for macOS differences. This allowed the researchers to
14 Sonoma, which is still in development. identify 16 variants of the macOS malware, a
The malware, first discovered by security sign of active and rapid development.
researcher iamdeadlyz, is distributed to
both Windows and macOS users in the The Realst Mac malware
form of fake blockchain games using names When downloading the fake
such as Brawl Earth, WildWorld, Dawnland, game from the threat actor’s site, they will be
Destruction, Evolion, Pearl, Olymp of offered either Windows or macOS malware,
Reptiles, and SaintLegend. These games are depending on their OS. The Windows malware
promoted on social media, with the threat is typically RedLine Stealer, but sometimes
actors using direct messages to share access other malware like Raccoon Stealer and
codes required to download the fake game AsyncRAT. For Mac users, the sites will
client from associated websites. Access codes distribute the Realst info-stealing malware,
allow the threat actors to vet those they wish which targets Mac devices as PKG installers
to target and avoid security researchers or DMG disk files containing the malicious
who want to reveal malicious behaviour. In Mach-O files but no real games or other
reality, the game installers infect devices decoy software. The “” file is a cross-
with information-stealing malware, such platform Firefox infostealer and “”
as RedLine Stealer on Windows and Realst
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