Page 3 - Cyber Byte August 2023
P. 3
is “chainbreaker,” games specifically target cryptocurrency
an open-source users, the main goal is likely to steal crypto
macOS keychain wallets and the funds within them, leading to
database password, costly attacks.
keys, and certificates Conclusion
e x t r a c t o r . Researchers claim that the info-
SentinelOne found stealer is still in development. Furthermore,
that some samples attackers are using tricks to lure gamers
are codesigned with money, which is a red flag against
using valid (now downloading these games. As the malware
revoked) Apple authors are preparing for successful attacks
Developer IDs, or ad-hoc signatures, to against Apple’s forthcoming desktop OS
bypass detection from security tools. release, users are advised to be cautious with
downloading blockchain games from Discord
The variants and Twitter.
All 16 distinct Realst variants
analyzed by SentinelOne are fairly similar
in form and function, although they utilize
different API call sets. In all cases, the B) Mallox Ransomware:
malware targets Firefox, Chrome, Opera,
Brave, Vivaldi, and the Telegram app, but Mallox ransomware
none of the analyzed Realst samples target activity is targeting unpatched and/or
Safari. “Most variants attempt to grab the unsecure Microsoft SQL (MS-SQL) servers to
user’s password via osascript and AppleScript gain initial access to victim networks. After
spoofing and perform rudimentary checking initial access is gained, the adversary uses
that the host device is not a virtual machine a legitimate MS-SQL process to download
via sysctl -n hw.model,” explains SentinelOne the malware i.e. SQLSERVR.EXE via cmd.
in the report. “Collected data is dropped in exe and PowerShell, which generates and
a folder simply named “data” [which] may executes a BAT file (system.bat). The BAT
appear in one of several locations depending file initiates the bulk of commands
on the version of the malware: in the user’s that help facilitate much of the
home folder, in the working directory of attack chain prior t o
the malware, or in a folder named after the ransomware
parent game.” execution,
Roughly 30% of the samples such as
from families A, B, and D contain strings that
target the upcoming macOS 14 Sonoma.
The presence of those strings shows that
the malware authors are already preparing
for Apple’s forthcoming desktop OS release,
ensuring that Realst will be compatible and
working as expected. MacOS users are advised
to be cautious with blockchain games, as those
distributing Realst use Discord channels and
“verified” Twitter accounts to create a false
image of legitimacy. Furthermore, as these
COMN. & IT DIRECTORATE, CRPF Design By : Ajay Tomar 3