Page 134 - Flipbook_SolidDesignSoutheast2020
P. 134

Ratiometric Digital Weight Resolver System

                                                                         Lever Mechanism of
                                                                          Weighing System
                                                                0.180 inches                 "Coupling" Element
                                                                 Maximum                     (Resolver)
                                                                                             Induction Element
                 115-230/1/50-60 Input                                                       (Secured to Main
                                                                                             Support Structure) of
                                               Lever                                         the Feeder
                                             Flexure (Typ.)

                                                               Main Support Structure
                                                               of the Feeder
                                         Resolver Excitation
                    Computational       Resolver Output
                                        Output (Weight) Signal to Controller…
                                        a 20 Binary Bit Data Stream representing a count from 0 to 1,048,576 (unamplified).

          In 1977, Acrison introduced the Ratiometric Digital  Weight  ment is physically sensed, is typically 180 thousandths of an inch
          Resolver Weight Sensing System as an integral part of its various  maximum… an ideal match for a sensor of this type, providing
          weighing systems.With that introduction, Acrison provided indus-  unequalled signal-to-noise ratios. To a user, this means that typ-
          try with weigh feeders employing the first use of synchro-resolver  ical in-plant vibration is far less a problem for Acrison weigh feed-
          technology for ultra-high resolution weight sensing in a system  ers than for feeders utilizing weight sensors having very small
          that is not only extremely precise, but also, highly dependable  movement, and virtually eliminates the need for heavy integra-
          and well-suited for tough industrial usage. And, regardless of the  tion of the weight signal (which adversely affects weigh
          model, size or capacity of the weighing system, the Ratiometric  feeder response.)
          System is always identical. This totally adjustment-free system  Unlike other weight sensors in weigh feeder use, Acrison’s
          consists of a sensor and computational module, which together,  Ratiometric Digital Weight Resolver Weight Sensing System
          generate a remarkable twenty binary bits of pure unamplified  is based upon the measurement of the ratio of two signals,
          digital data for processing by Acrison’s various multiprocessor  not their absolute values. This technique allows it to: 1) oper-
          weigh feeder controllers.
                                                                  ate totally unaffected by variations in its power supply up to
          The Ratiometric Digital Weight Resolver is an incredibly precise,  as much as ± 30 percent; 2) operate over a temperature
          industrial quality displacement sensor, which is today, still the  range of –10 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit without any notice-
          most precise measurement technology available. As weight is  able change in output; 3) provide linearity to within 0.05
          added or subtracted from an Acrison weighing system (scale), its  percent (repeatable to 0.005 percent), and 4) operate with
          lever mechanism “moves” in a direct and perfectly linear relation-  insensitivity to a wide range of electrical  “noise.” Further,
          ship to that weight. This movement is then precisely and instan-  the Ratiometric System does not require any sort of lin-
          taneously measured by the Ratiometric System, converting this  earization, temperature compensation or calibration, and it is
          motion into a highly accurate signal directly proportional to  totally adjustment-free.
          weight, in the form of a count ranging from 0 to 1,048,576.
                                                                  The unique design of Acrison’s Ratiometric  Weight Sensing
          The computational module of Acrison’s Ratiometric Digital  System also ensures that it will be totally unaffected by any
          Weight Resolver Weight Sensing System utilizes state-of-the-art  amount of shock or overload that the weighing system may
          electronic and software techniques, including the use of military  experience, particularly  important in the typically adverse indus-
          grade components…the same basic high technology employed  trial operating environments. Its non-contacting nature is also an
          in the most advanced military guidance systems. Techniques  extremely significant factor with respect to weight-loss type
          such as high speed sampling, digital filtering and serial transmis-  weigh feeder operation, specifically, the functional requirement of
          sion of data ensure that optimum weigh feeder performance is  a weight-loss feeder to be periodically and rapidly refilled, which
          reliably achieved and maintained.                       often produces an “impact” upon the weighing system, particu-
                                                                  larly, the larger units.
          Referring to the above illustration, only the “coupling element” of
          the weight sensor is physically attached to the weighing (lever)  Acrison’s Ratiometric Digital Weight Resolver Weight Sensing
          network, passing through the center of the “induction element” with-  System is also FM Approved and Listed for operation in haz-
          out any contact whatsoever.The induction element is mounted to  ardous environments…Classes I, II and III; Divisions 1 and 2;
          the main structure of the weigh feeder. As weight is applied to, or  Groups C, D, E, F and G. It also complies with European haz-
          removed from the scale, the coupling element moves within the  ardous area classifications EExia IIBT4 and EExd[ia] IIBT6.
          induction element. This movement, at the point where displace-

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