Page 147 - Flipbook_SolidDesignSoutheast2020
P. 147
All SBC-2000 Controller models include multiple serial SBC-2000 Advantages
communications ports for customer use, as well as Many of the most significant design benefits of the various
both a built-in 10Base-T Ethernet port and a Profibus Model SBC-2000 Controllers are not visible. Some of the
DP port as standard features. most noteworthy are:
• Minimized hardware design for both high reliability and
The Controllers support operation with either AC economy of space. One 19” card rack can hold up to 17
variable frequency or SCR/DC motor controllers, feeder controllers (modules).
using serial or analog interfaces. • Minimal connection points from the Controller to the
feeder. Fewer connectors provide better reliability.
The Model SBC-2000 Controllers may be optionally • “Hot Swap” design and front-accessible modules permit
packaged in a variety of ways depending on user easier maintenance SBC-2000 CM Modules can be re-
preference. Wall-mounted and free-standing enclo- placed without turning the power off.
sures are available, as are plate-mounted and loose • Low power CMOS logic and over-specified power supplies
configurations. provide cool running electronics for a longer product life.
• Redundant power supply option available for extra high
The VME-style card racks typically provided to hold reliability.
SBC-2000 CM Controllers (three sizes are available to • Standard Controller has UL, CSA and IEC (CE) certifications.
accommodate 2, 6 or 17 Controllers and option mod- • Electrically isolated serial and digital I/O are standard.
ules, respectively) can be supplied with rear flanges
for plate mounting (such as when installed in an op-
tional enclosure), with front flanges for mounting Standard Operating Features
directly into a user’s panel, or on the front of an en-
closure, or as a 19” rack mount. When mounted SBC-2000 Controllers offer many functions and features
using front flanges, an aesthetic bezel is provided. derived from over three decades of experience with
microprocessor-based weigh feeder controllers. While
all functions are fully described in the Operating and
Basic SBC-2000 Controller Design Instruction Manual, the following abbreviated list
highlights some of them.
The three SBC-2000 Controller models share many design
features and include identical weigh feeder control soft- • Controllers are totally adjustment-free.
ware because of their identical core components. The • Continuous or batch mode operation in volumetric or
core electronics is the computational heart of all of the gravimetric mode.
Controllers in the SBC-2000 Family. It provides non- • Internal, external or communications-based set points.
volatile program memory and non-volatile set point • Ratio-proportioning and master-slave control capability.
storage using state-of-the-art, low power, flash memory • Auto/manual hopper refill operation (Loss-In-Weight
technology, eliminating the need for less reliable battery [LIW] feeders).
backup. In addition, the Controller Program can be quickly
updated using a PC or laptop, if required. • Recipe storage and retrieval (in Controller) augments
host recipe storage.
The use of today’s advanced technologies enables the SBC- • “Bumpless transfer” between operating modes.
2000 Family of Controllers to utilize a single program that is • Auto-Tuning.
configurable to control any Acrison Weigh Feeder Model.
The program also includes, as standard, all serial/network • SPC information (Mean, CV , CpK, o).
interface protocols and all languages currently available • Proprietary Acri-Lok (LIW feeders) and Batch-Lok ®
from Acrison, thereby providing complete compatibility scale disturbance protection.
between the various functions and options. • Automatic compensation for external factors.
In order to reduce wiring requirements between the • User programmable alarms can also be “latched”.
feeder and controller, and to provide increased expand- • Dual, individually clearable product totalizers.
ability, each SBC-2000 Controller contains a dedicated • Delayed run and delayed stop functions for blending
internal network. This network is used for communica- applications.
tion between the controller and the applicable scale
and motor controller, and permits expanded analog • Maximum motor speed threshold settings and alarm.
and/or digital I/O capability.