Page 169 - Flipbook_SolidDesignSoutheast2020
P. 169

system uses the supplier's Ratiometric
                                                                                   Digital Weight Resolver Weight Sensing
                                                                                   System with synchro-resolver technology
                                                                                   to provide  ultrahigh-resolution weight
                                                                                   sensing and precise weighing accuracy.
                                                                                   The feeder's weighing system  monitors
                                                                                   the material weight numerous times per
                                                                                   second to ensure a typical feeding
                                                                                   accuracy  of ±0.25 to ± 1.0  percent or
                                                                                   better at 2 sigma, based on a given
                                                                                   number   of  consecutive  1-minute

                                                                                   Two Model  405-1015X loss-in-weight
                                                                                   feeders, each with a 5-cubicfoot-capacity
                                                                                   hopper, feed polymer  modifiers and
                                                                                   powders with bulk densities of 33 lb/ft  at
                                                                                   30 to 800 lb/h.  One Model 405-1015X
                                                                                   loss-in-weight feeder with a 5-cubic-foot-
                                                                                   capacity hopper feeds masterbatches and
                                                                                   powders with bulk densities of 33 lb/ft  at
                                                                                   60 to 600 lb/h. These three feeders have
          The feeders meter the powder and pellet blends to the extruder at rates from 30  material contact parts constructed of
          to 800 lb/h, depending on the material, and with a feeding accuracy of ±0.25 to  Type 304 and Type 316  stainless steel
          ±1.0 percent or better at 2 sigma.                                       and feature a dual auger-agitator metering
                                                                                   mechanism and a quick-cleanout design
        information  about   their   feeder  twenty-four hour period,” he says. “This   for  rapid  product  changeover
        capabilities to the engineering team.   provides operational stability because any   requirements.
                                             time a hopper is filled with  material,
        After  reviewing   the  presentation  there's a possibility for error that can   Three Model 407-101-0 loss-in-weight
        information and feeder test results from   cause feeding variations that negatively   feeders, each with  3-cubicfoot-capacity
        each supplier, the engineering team chose   affect  finished  product  quality.  hoppers, feed resin pellets with bulk
        to purchase loss-in-weight gravimetric   Depending  on the material,  the hoppers   densities ranging from 35 to 38 lb/ft  at
        feeders  manufactured  by  Acrison,  are filled about every thirty-five to forty   350 to  650 lb/h. These three  feeders
        Moonachie,  N.J. This feeder supplier   minutes,  whereas the other suppliers'   feature a compact scale design ideally
        provides dry solids  metering and    hoppers would've needed to  be  filled   suited for the company's  facility and
        handling  equipment  and   systems,  about every fifteen to twenty minutes.”   incorporate quick  assembly/disassembly
        including  volumetric and gravimetric                                      devices to facilitate cleanout and product
        feeders, multifeeder controllers, and   The loss-in-weight gravimetric     changeover.
        control systems to the plastics, chemical,   feeders
        food, and other industries. The supplier's   In June 2011, NFM delivered the turnkey   Seven Model SBC-2000  CM control
        manufacturers' representative for  Ohio,   extrusion system  to the company's   modules mounted in a  NEMA  12,
        Dan Roessler, Roessler Co., Cleveland,   facility, integrated and programmed the   multidoor,  free-standing enclosure are
        worked closely with both Network     feeders and  ancillary equipment, and   connected to a control panel that features
        Polymers and NFM to facilitate material   started it up. The extrusion system   a 17-inch color touchscreen  HMI.  The
        tests, feeder selection,  and feeder   includes a model TEM-58SS twin-screw   controller  uses the supplier's Acri-Data
        commissioning.   Following   feeder  extruder, a mezzanine, six loss-in-weight   Supervisory Software package  that
        selection,  NFM assembled and  proved   gravimetric feeders, one loss-in-weight   allows operators to access and modify
        the extrusion  system and feeders in its   liquid feeder, seven feeder controllers, a   feeder setpoints, calibration  entries, and
        process  development lab to ensure   pelletizer, and ancillary equipment that's   other functions.
        efficient operation and ease startup in the   all integrated with  NFM's centrally
        company's facility.                  located Aries II HMI controller.      In operation, an operator calls up a recipe
                                                                                   on the extrusion system's main controller
        According to Brian Rowles, Network   Each    stainless-steel  loss-in-weight  and  pushes the start button.  When the
        Polymers plant operations  manager, the   gravimetric feeder consists of a hopper, a   main controller activates the feeders  via
        team selected the supplier's feeders   feeder with an AC  variable-frequency   the feeder controllers, material flows
        because of their accuracy,  repeatability,   drive mounted below the  hopper, and a   from the hopper into the feeder's
        robustness, and ability to effectively   non-load-cell-based platform weighing   metering mechanism, and the  horizontal
        meter the difficult-flowing raw materials.   system with a split-beam lever weighing   feed auger moves the material out of the
        “We also liked that they had large-  network. The hopper, feeder, and      feeder into the extruder.  The weighing
        capacity hoppers, which means we don't   ancillary equipment are  mounted  on a   system continually monitors the material
        have to fill them as often during a    weighing mechanism. The weighing    weight in the hopper and calculates the

                                       Reprinted from Powder Bulk Engineering December 2012
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