Page 220 - Flipbook_SolidDesignSoutheast2020
P. 220
Communications to Controllers System Recipe Screen (cont'd.)
Acri-Data offers numerous communication choices Acri-Data can create as many System Recipes as the
ranging from simple, point-to-point, wired serial storage capacity of the hardware permits, typically
communication and wired Ethernet. Most Acrison many thousands. System Recipes can be edited off-
controllers must be equipped with optional commu- line with a standard text editor, if desired.
nications modules for use with Acri-Data. Various
configurations are available including those that use
Gateway Devices from Acrison, or from third party Password Protection
manufacturers. Acri-Data can be configured in many
ways to achieve the communications required by the Up to 10 passwords may be defined in the Acri-Data
user. Contact Acrison for special requirements. Program. Three levels of access are provided as
Configuration of Acri-Data is accomplished via the
Communications Screen. MONITOR:
Acri-Data directly supports Modbus/TCP operating as When Acri-Data is first started, or when a user
a master. logs off, it is in Monitor Mode. The operator
may only view screens and cannot change
Highest performance is achieved with direct cable serial any set points or activate any commands or
COM port connections using Acrison's DC protocol. functions.
Baud rates from 9,600 to 57,600 are supported for
serial communications. USER:
This mode requires a password to be entered
and limits functions and access to those features,
Multi Screen which an operator would typically require.
System Recipes, for example, may be loaded
Multiple parameter values may be sent to one or but cannot be created.
more feeder controllers, without using a recipe, via
the Multi Screen. SYSTEM:
This password-protected mode permits full
access to all functions and features.
System Recipe Screen
Three types of System Recipes are available in Acri-
Data. Data Recipes containing only parameter values,
graphical recipes containing the System Screen design,
and graph plus data recipes, which contain both data
and graphical information. Data Recipes can be cre-
ated while Acri-Data is operating on-line and any
recipe may be loaded "on-the-fly" without stopping
the system. Each recipe is a text file, which can consist
of up to 27 selected parameters and modes in each
feeder controller (user selectable); the identification
of the feeders that were selected for the system; the
design of the System View Screen, plus optional com-
mands to automatically run or stop a system of feeders
when the recipe is loaded. System Recipes require a
system level password.