Page 229 - Flipbook_SolidDesignSoutheast2020
P. 229

Equipment Specifications
                                                       Acrison                      ®

                                      Model LCS Weigh Feeder Controller

                      LCS Feeder-Mounted Controller

                      The LCS Feeder-Mounted Controller utilitizes state-of-
                      the-art weigh feeder control technology in a compact,
                      economical  package  specifically  designed  to  be
                      mounted onto any of Acrison’s various model weigh
                      feeders. The package consists of an Acrison Model
                      SBC-2000-CM Weigh Feeder Control Module assem-
                      bled into a small NEMA 4/12 enclosure, along with its
                      power  supply  and  the  weigh  feeder’s  Ratiometric
                      Weight  Resolver  (weight  sensing)  Computational
                      Module.  To  complete  the  control  system,  the  LCS
                      would typically be paired with a motor controller,
                      which if desired, can be supplied in a common enclo-
                      sure with the above-mentioned components.
                      The LCS doesn’t have a keyboard or display; it is in-
                      tended for use in those processes controlled by the
                      user’s  central  computer  system,  or  with  Acrison’s
                      Acri-Data Supervisory Control System. And since the
                      LCS only requires AC power and a communications
                      link, this compact, pre-wired control package provides
                      the user with a considerable cost-saving benefit.
                      The SBC-2000-CM Control Module communicates with
                      the motor controller via its RS-485 Control Channel;
                      the communication link between the SBC-2000-CM
                      Module and the host computer can be via any of the
                      several  built-in  industry  standard  communication
                      channels including Ethernet, Profibus and RS-485
                      Serial. The maximum number of LCS Controls capable
                      for use on the link is limited by the type of protocol
                      and the host computer.

                      LCS Features                                    Specifications
                      • Compact size                                  • Power Requirements: 115/230/1/50-60 Hz, 3 Amps
                      • Broad array of host communication interfaces   • Host Communications: Ethernet TCP, Ethernet/IP, Profibus DP,
                                                                       RS-485 Serial (various protocols)
                      • Dedicated RS-485 serial control channel for commu-
                       nication with the Scale's Computational Module and  • Digital Outputs (4): User-configurable, 6 Amp, 250 VAC max.
                       Feeder Motor Controller                        • Digital Inputs (4): User-configurable (potential-free dry
                      • Analog Input/Output                            contacts required)
                      • Four (4) user-configurable Digital Output Relays   • Enclosure: NEMA 4/12 (IP66), measures 12”H x 10”W x 5”D
                      • Four (4) user-configuratble Digital Inputs     with Digital I/O (less motor controller)
                                                                      • Analog Input/Output: 0-10 VDC or 4-20 mA
                      • Power On/Off switch with lighted ‘On’ indication
                                                                      • Enclosure: NEMA 4/12 (IP66), measures 12”H x 12”W x 6”D
                      • Controller is feeder-mounted and pre-wired
                                                                       with Analog I/O (less motor controller)
                      • Optional NEMA 4X Enclosure

                                                                   Acrison, Inc.            20 Empire Blvd., Moonachie, NJ 07074
                                                                                            201-440-8300 • Fax: 201-440-4939
                      Copyright 2017— Acrison, Inc.— all rights reserved.                   Email:
                      300-0082/B/ 2-17/7005                                                 Website:
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