Page 233 - Flipbook_SolidDesignSoutheast2020
P. 233

Designed to meter ‘strand’ type materials

                           Model 905-18 Feeder

                         Operational Overview

                         In operation, the Model 905-18 Volumetric Feeder  variable speed gearmotors. The output feed rate is
                         maintains a specific volume of material on a meter-  controlled by the speed of the belt.
                         ing/conveyor  belt,  thereby  producing  a  given  In addition, a rotating dispersing mechanism, in-
                         volumetric output based on the speed of the belt.
                                                                      stalled at the discharge of the belt, ensures a uni-
                         An ‘active’, specially designed five cubic foot inte-  form flow of material off the belt. Also, a slowly
                         gral supply hopper ensures reliable product flow  rotating wiper mechanism, operating on the under-
                         into a uniquely configured distribution trough and  side  of  the  metering/conveyor  belt,  removes  any
                         onto a slow-speed metering/conveyor belt where  residual material that may remain on the belt. Side
                         two rotating pile depth leveling drums produce a  guides prevent product spillage off the belt.
                         consistent depth and width of material. Both the  Gravimetric  metering  is  obtained  by  utilizing  the
                         metering/conveyor  belt  and  the  two  leveling  Model 905-18 Feeder as the metering mechanism of
                         mechanisms operate independently, but in a pro-  an Acrison Model 402 ‘Weight-Loss’ weighing system.
                         portional relationship to each other, powered by

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