Page 255 - Flipbook_SolidDesignSoutheast2020
P. 255
Design Specifications
Design Specifications
Design Specifications
Design Specifications
Design Specifications
Dust Collector Bag Dump Station
Acrison’s Dust Collector Bag Dump Station has been
designed primarily for use with Acrison metering/ Model DCBDS-1000
hoppering equipment as a clean, safe and efficient
means of emptying the contents of bags into a large
hopper without dust escaping into the atmosphere.
Ruggedly constructed for mounting directly onto a
mating (flanged) inlet of a hopper, the Dust Collector
Bag Dump Station includes many desirable features.
Aside from its extremely high dust collection
efficiency, capable of trapping particles as small as
0.3 microns, its self-cleaning cartridge filter system
returns the trapped dust back into the hopper upon
which it is mounted. Also, by effectively capturing
any dust generated when dumping bags, the Dust
Collector Bag Dump Station allows recirculation of
the filtered air by returning only clean air back into
the atmosphere, eliminating the need for any type of
special venting arrangement.
When the loading hatch of the unit is opened, the
dust collector blower automatically energizes,
producing a negative air flow through the bag dump
loading area, drawing dust generated by the bag
emptying process into the dust collection system. Its
two cartridge filters are fabricated of a unique cloth
material, specifically selected to allow easy release
of even the most adhesive products.
The cartridge filters are automatically cleaned by a
reverse blast of dry, filtered compressed air from a
pulse-jet system upon closing the loading hatch, after
the completion of a bag dumping sequence. The fabric
filter area is 122 square feet. Dust collection efficiency
is 99.97% + of all dust entering the filtering media. The Model DCBDS-1000 is available in mild steel,
304 and 316 stainless steel construction for all product
The Acrison Dust Collector Bag Dump Station has contact surfaces. The blower utilizes a 1-1/2
also been designed with simplicity in mind. The unit horsepower, totally enclosed motor. Exhaust air
is completely self-contained with only one moving discharges upwards.
part (the blower), and its heavy-duty construction
ensures extremely long life with minimal maintenance For operation, the unit requires dry, filtered, non-
requirements. Access to the cartridge filters is made lubricated compressed air (60-70 PSIG) and either
simple and easy via hinged doors. 115/230/1/60 or 230/460/3/60 power.
Copyright 2003 – Acrison, Inc. – all rights reserved.
20 Empire Blvd., Moonachie, New Jersey 07074
20 Empire Blvd., Moonachie, New Jersey 07074
20 Empire Blvd., Moonachie, New Jersey 07074 Phone: 201-440-8300 • Fax: 201-440-4939Fax: 201-440-4939
20 Empire Blvd., Moonachie, New Jersey 07074 •• •• • Phone: 201-440-8300 Phone: 201-440-8300 • Fax: 201-440-4939Fax: 201-440-4939
302-0407/C/12-03/7006 20 Empire Blvd., Moonachie, New Jersey 07074 Phone: 201-440-8300 Phone: 201-440-8300 • • Fax: 201-440-4939
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