Page 38 - Flipbook_SolidDesignSoutheast2020
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Dry Solids Metering and Handling Equipment
Advanced Dry Solids Metering and Handling Technologies
Integrated into Robustly Built Equipment to Satisfy the
Requirements of a Broad Spectrum of Applications.
Since 1963, Acrison has been applying its skills to the designed weight-loss feeder will provide, today, this
empirical science of dry solids metering and handling. major Acrison innovation and contribution to the pro-
In particular, and while scientific to some extent, to cessing industries has evolved into the most widely
effectively meter the countless number of dry solid specified and utilized type continuous weigh feeder,
materials regularly processed within the various global worldwide.
manufacturing industries - - each with their own indi- Acrison also leads the industry with cutting-edge control
vidual physical characteristics - - Acrison designed and system technologies and functional capabilities. In partic-
developed a range of uniquely versatile metering ular, Acrison’s Model SBC-2000 Family of Weigh Feeder
mechanisms, with certain models possessing the Controllers provide users with an unparalleled degree of
proven, unrivaled ability to accurately and reliably feed operational viability. From their time-proven operating
the broadest possible variety of dry solids, both volu- software and advanced color graphics touchscreens, to
metrically and gravimetrically.
the latest interfacing and networking capabilities,
In addition to dry solids feeders, Acrison also manufac- these controllers are unsurpassed in their ability to pro-
tures bin discharging mechanisms, bulk bag unloaders, vide highest levels of accurate and reliable weigh
continuous blenders, ‘pre-packaged’ metering/blend- feeder performance.
ing systems, refill systems for its weight-loss weigh With the diversity of process applications, combined
feeders, dust collectors, dust collector bag-dump stations, with the countless number of dry solid materials that
bin vent filters, flow/no-flow sensors, plus other related processors routinely handle, Acrison maintains state-of-
equipment, including a variety of leading-edge multi- the-art facilities to determine and/or verify equipment
processor feeder controllers and control systems.
selection, and to demonstrate the type of performance
Acrison also produces a range of equipment for the users can expect when metering/handling their actual
various water and wastewater treatment industries. product(s).
From basic chemical feeding and dissolving packages
Computerized (automated) testing procedures are precise
to technologically advanced dry and liquid polymer
and definitive, eliminating human error associated with
preparation systems, Acrison equipment is widely spec- physical testing, while providing the ability to sample
ified for a variety of water treatment applications.
feeder metering accuracy from a fraction of a second up-
Headquartered in Moonachie, New Jersey, Acrison’s wards. Acrison offers the services of these facilities to
two facilities, totaling over 140,000 square feet, house evaluate (feed) your material(s), usually without cost or
a staff of professionals conducting marketing and obligation, and welcomes your personal attendance.
sales, research and development, mechanical and electri-
cal engineering, manufacturing, equipment operational Acrison’s corporate philosophy is to produce the most
demonstrations, and customer services. viable, reliable and durable equipment of its type, and
provide strong after-sale support. Acrison is proud of
With a strong emphasis placed on new product develop- its innovations and products, and their contribution
ment and product enhancements, a team of R&D engi- to the processing industries. And Acrison is also proud
neers and designers leverage the applicable Acrison of its people, and above all, is most appreciative of its
technology for mechanical, electronic, and software de- customers.
velopment . . . a ‘think-tank’ that boasts a solid history
of innovation and industry firsts.
Each of Acrison’s various products is fully described
For example, during the late 1960s, Acrison designed, in individual Equipment Specifications or Bulletins.
developed and perfected the ‘weight-loss’ weigh feed- For further information or assistance, please con-
ing functional concept as it’s presently known. And be- tact Acrison directly, or visit Acrison’s Website at
cause of the strong metering performance a properly