Page 39 - Flipbook_SolidDesignSoutheast2020
P. 39
Volumetric Feeders
Choose from industry’s widest selection
Volumetric Feeders of high performance dry solids Metering
Mechanisms for the one best suited for
for Dry Solids your application.
An authentic dry solids volumetric feeder must
encompass a positive means of measuring a Single Auger
specific volume of material, and then effectively Mechanisms
Models 101 and 130 Series
discharge that material, ideally over a variable
output range. Where an auger type volumetric
feeder is concerned, the auger measures volume,
discharging the ‘measured volume’ as it rotates
within a discharge spout (i.e., each revolution of
the auger discharges a specific volume of material). Dissimilar Speed
Dual Auger/Agitator Mechanism
But most importantly, the ability of any auger type dry solids (Single Common Drive for the
volumetric feeder to maintain a constant metered output Models 1015, 1015X and 1015Z)
(Individual Drives for the Models
is dependent upon how well the metering mechanism is
able to ‘condition and maintain’ the material in a ‘generally 1015XX and 1015YY)
Model 1015 Series
uniform state’, and how effectively and reliably the metering
auger is ‘filled’ with material for accurate product delivery.
Acrison has designed a number of Volumetric Feeders, each
possessing a specific degree of functionality and versatility
for effectively handling a range of product characteristics. Dissimilar Speed Double
Concentric Auger Mechanism
From basic single auger metering mechanisms, typically for (Single Common Drive)
feeding free-flowing granulation type ingredients, to a
Models 105 and 140 Series
range of innovative, technologically superior multiple
auger/agitator mechanisms for metering difficult-handling
dry solids, the overall performance capability of Acrison
Volumetric Feeders is simply unrivaled.
Acrison’s various model volumetric feeders are each available Auger/Agitator Mechanism
with a number of different size metering augers, interchange- Model 170 Series
able on the individual model feeders. Each metering auger
designation (size) spans a specific output feed range. Overall,
feed rates range from 0.0012 upwards to 6600 cubic feet per
hour, depending upon the selected feeder model and the size
of the metering auger. In addition, and as standard, the
metering augers of all Acrison Volumetric Feeders are
equipped with variable speed drives to enable a 20:1 feed
rate turn-down from the maximum output of a given size Dissimilar Speed
metering auger. Triple Auger/Agitator Mechanism
(Single Common Drive)
Designed for 24/7 operation, Acrison volumetric feeders Model BDF Series
are heavy-duty in construction and extremely durable.
Maintenance requirements are bare minimal and their
longevity expectations are exceptional.
Two independently diven
Metering accuracies typically range between ± 1 to Agitators, combined with two
2 percent or better (error) based on a given number independently driven variable speed
of consecutive one minute samples. Metering Augers to provide
a very wide feed range
Model BDFX-1.5-2