Page 32 - PTA AZHG
P. 32


         Sedona, Arizona
         Photograph by: Brittany M. (Sierra Vista)

        The manner in which you choose to take title may have significant legal and tax planning consequences.
        You should contact your attorney and/or tax consultant on which manner best suits your needs.

                                               Community Property                  Joint Tenancy with Right of                       Community Property with Right of            Tenancy in Common
                                                                                          Survivorship                                          Survivorship

                                        Requires a valid marriage between  Parties need not be married; may                              Requires a valid marriage      Parties need not be married; may be
         Marriage Requirements
                                                   two persons.                be more than two joint tenants.                            between two persons.           more than two tenants in common.

                                                                                                                                                                          Each tenant in common holds an
                                                                               Each joint tenant holds an equal                                                          undivided and fractional interest in
                                         Each spouse holds an undivided                                                              Each spouse holds an undivided
         Spouse Interest                                                         and undivided interest in the                                                          the estate. Can be disproportionate,
                                          one-half interest in the estate.                  estate.                                   one-half interest in the estate.   i.e. 20% & 80%; 60% & 40%; 20%,
                                                                                                                                                                               20%, 20%, & 40%; etc.

                                           One spouse cannot partition        One joint tenant can partition the                       One spouse cannot partition           Each tenant’s share can be
         Partitioning                    the property by selling his or her   property by selling his or her joint                     the property by selling his or    conveyed, encumbered or devised
                                                     interest.                              interest.                                          her interest.                       to a third party.

                                           Requires signatures of both          Requires signatures of all joint                       Requires signatures of both       Requires signatures of all tenants to
         Signatures                      spouses to convey or encumber.         tenants to convey or encumber                        spouses to convey or encumber.        convey or encumber the whole.
                                                                                          the whole.

                                        Each spouse can devise (will) one-      Estate passes to the surviving                        Estate passes to the surviving           Upon death the tenant’s
         Inheritance                                                                                                                                                     proportionate share passes to heirs
                                         half of the community property.       joint tenants outside of probate.                        spouse outside of probate.
                                                                                                                                                                                 by will or intestacy.

                                          Upon death the estate of the            No court action required to                          No court action required to          Upon death the estate of the
         Upon Death                    decedent must be “cleared” through        “clear” title upon the death of                     “clear” title upon the first death.  decedent must be “cleared” through
                                        probate, affidavit, or adjudication.             joint tenant(s).                                                                 probate, affidavit, or adjudication.

                                          Both halves of the community            Deceased tenant’s share is                          Both halves of the community
         Community Property             property are entitled to a “stepped      entitled to a “stepped up” tax                          property are entitled to a       Each share has its own tax basis.
         On Death                             up” tax basis as of the            basis as of the date of death.                              “stepped up” tax.
                                                  date of death.

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