Page 34 - PTA AZHG
P. 34

THE 411 ON


        The Sellers are required to          Schedule  the  inspection  as        •  Other visible features,
        disclose  the  known  condition      quickly  as possible. Expect  to         fixtures, and components.
        of the house, but it is important    hire the inspector  directly, and    Inspections  are  not  intrusive,
        to have a professional inspect       pay at the time of service.          so only  visible aspects  of the
        the home.  When it comes                                                  property can be evaluated.
        to  inspecting  the  home,  you      THE INSPECTOR                        Issues that may exist  within
        want an inspector  who  will be      CAN EVALUATE THE                     inaccessible areas, such as walls,
        thorough and trustworthy.  Ask  FOLLOWING:                                may remain unknown.
        for    recommendations       from       •  Roof
        friends and family and/or search        •  Foundation                     PEST INSPECTION
        out  reviews online. Look for           •  Drainage                       The inspector  will perform an
        proper licensing, and  you can          •  Plumbing                       examination for wood destroying
        even  ask  a  potential  inspector      •  Electrical                     pest  infestations,  and  this
        for references.                         •  Fireplaces/Chimneys            portion  of  the  report  is  usually
                                                •  Furnace                        broken down into two sections:
                                                                                     •  Section  1  lists  conditions
        COMMON DEFECTS                                                                   that are actively damaging

        FOUND DURING                                                                     the    property.    Usually
                                                                                         repairs  will have to be
        HOME INSPECTIONS                                                                 completed and remediated

                                                                                         before the lender  will
        Don’t expect the report to be flawless.  Inspectors                              approve your loan.
        generally find some routine and minor defects that the                       •  Section  2  lists  conditions
        Buyer will commonly assume, however, sometimes                                   that  will likely cause
        inspections will reveal major structural defects and safety                      damage to  your home  in
        violations.                                                                      the future.

        •  Roofing defects – age, wear, and improper installation                 The inspector  will create a
        •  Ceiling Stains – point toward active or past issues with               report  detailing all of their
              leaking roofs, plumbing, or appliances                              recommendations         complete
        •  Water Intrusions – particularly in basements – improper                with  pictures, and may suggest
            drainage around the house                                             you contact a specialist such as
        •  Electrical Safety Hazards – old, ungrounded outlets, non GFI           a structural engineer to further
            (ground fault interrupter) outlets, improperly wired panels,          assess  situations  outside  the
            outdated wiring                                                       inspector’s scope.
        •  Rotten Wood – commonly on trim, roof eaves, and decks                  If  significant  defects  are  found
        •  Building Code Violations – unpermitted structures/                     during  the  inspection,  you  may
            additions, safety issues, DIY gone wrong                              be  able  to  negotiate  with  the
        •  Unsafe Fireplace and Chimney Conditions – insufficient                 Seller to determine who will pay
            distance between fireplace and combustible materials,                 for the repairs, or if the contract
            lack of chimney cleaning and maintenance                              is contingent upon a satisfactory
        •  Minor Plumbing Defects – loose toilets, leaking                        inspection  you  may  cancel  the
              faucets, improper drainage                                          sale without penalty.
        •  Failed Seals around Windows

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