Page 10 - PATH_to_a_better_Life_YouTube
P. 10

 Come into His presence
  Spend Time with Him
“Let us come before His
presence with thanksgiving;
Let us shout joyfully to Him
with psalms.”
Psalm 95:2
You may say, where do I start, I do not know how to pray, or what to say. Just come has you are, share your hopes and dreams, your fears and the little and big things with Him. He cares about it all, but most of all He cares about you. He wants to know when you are sad and hurting, so He can comfort you, or when you are happy, so He can share in your gladness. Even though others may abandon you, “He will never leave you nor forsake you” and will always be by your side. You may not understand why you did not get the things you asked for, but be patient, because He always have your best interest at heart. Now enter God’s presence with reverence and pray "Not my will Lord, but Thy Will Be Done”, and trust Him to do the rest.
Background Image, Mark A. Bowe

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