Page 9 - PATH_to_a_better_Life_YouTube
P. 9

 With your world in chaos
and uncertainty all around
and your feet no longer on solid ground
Are you masked from the truth?
On what is really going on in this world?
And how it all began, when in six days,
God made you and this world that you live in that was perfect and without sin
How He rested on the seventh day
And sanctified it has His holy day
so that you would spend time with Him
When Jesus comes again, will it matter to Him?
what day it is, if
you worship Him?
Or will you honor Him
by worshiping His Farther
like He did when He came
to earth from heaven far away, Gave up His life, overcame sin, Died on the cross, rested on the Sabbath day and rosed the third day, so that someday soon
you could live with Him
Are you masked from the truth? Are you at risk of throwing, your eternal life away?
God, who is the same yesterday,
today and forever, would not change
His Holy day He created after the sixth day Because it does matter to Him
which day you honor Him when you obey You know who would lead you astray, Lucifer, is the one, who was once the bright and morning star, cast down to earth
with his fallen angles from heaven afar Convinced man to make himself like God and change the day to Sunday, made it law and if you did not obey, death you would pay So that you would worship him,
without knowing it, be lost forever
to sin and perish with him
Soon, this day will be made law again
and the choice you make, your life will forever end, or begin new again
Don’t delay! Seek God’s truth today!
Find out what the bible has to say
about worshiping God on His holy Sabbath day Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you along the way And He will lead you to the only One
Who will never leave you nor forsake you
or deceive you in anyway
Do not be deceived, Unmask the truth
about how God made the Sabbath day,
that He set aside for you, today
So, when He comes to earth again,
this would be His sign that you belong to Him.
Mark A. Bowe © 7-24-2020
 Mark A. Bowe

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