Page 13 - PATH_to_a_better_Life_YouTube
P. 13
As an Eagle fly's high up in the sky
and we raise our flags on the fourth of July
We may wonder why this world is in such a dismay, as we celebrate Independence Day
With no hope in sight, with this world in such a plight,
No matter what you do, nothing seems to go right
when day turns into night and angry words turn into a fight
Without a sound and darkness all around,
We find our heads bowed, with folded hands
and our knees planted firmly on the ground
Praying to the One Who hears us when we pray,
For His world that has gone astray and has lost its way
Jesus, is the One Who hears us when we pray,
And like a good Shepard, He find us when we go astray Without delay, He leads us to the way back to Him
For like a good Shepard, who attends too his sheep
He longs to have us near Him sitting at His feet
When we let Jesus in and surrender our lives to Him,
We are no longer a slave to sin and when He comes again, And take us to live with Him, this will be,
Our Independence Day, from sin.
Mark A. Bowe © 7-1-2020
Mark A. Bowe