Page 69 - LuxuryWellness 3 Edition
P. 69

68     January 2020                                                                                             69

 Mr. Arnav Kumar   “
 (Executive Director of
 Daivik Life LLP )   Reset looks to empower
        individuals working on

 The youngest from a family   preventive health and tackle
 of business mavericks, Arnav
 Kumar is eager to revolutionise   the root cause for individuals
 the Health & Wellness Industry   suffering with an ailment.
 with his energy, passion, and
 vision. His Great Grand Father
 established one of the very first
 premium five-star hotel groups of
 India, Clarks Group of Hotels, and
 Arnav is keen on carrying forward
 his legacy by amalgamating
 hospitality and wellness. He is the
 Executive Director at Daivik Life
 LLP, Indus Intex Private Limited,
 Indus TECHPARK Private Limited,
 Brijrama Hospitality Private
 Limited, The Indian Textiles
 Company (Kolkata) Private
 Limited, and Co- Founder of Dolci
 Desserts & Pizzeria.   Being an integral part of Indus   dedicated himself to study the
 Born and brought up in the garden   Intex, the inclination to learn,   application of Artificial Intelligence
 city of India, Bengaluru, Arnav   and the desire to do more, drove   in the medical field of diagnosis
 completed his International   Arnav to reinvent the factory to a   as he believes, to help someone
 Baccalaureate at the United   flexible manufacturing unit, which   on preventive or curative health,
 World College South East Asia,   could manufacture garments in a   “diagnostics precedes treatment.”
 Singapore, and graduated with   highly competitive environment   Additionally, along with his
 Bachelors in Engineering from the   with profitable margins. Arnav has   Grandfather, Father, and Brother,
 University of Warwick, UK.   taken the company successfully   Arnav has successfully opened a
 Soon after, he joined his family   into unchartered territories.   unique heritage, 32 room, boutique
 textile business to learn the   To further his creativity, Arnav   hotel, Brijrama Palace, on the
 ropes and get familiar with the   decided to follow his passion, to   Ghats of Varanasi, which in less
 functioning of the industry.   help others help themselves. To   than three months has become
 He jumped in hands on into   do so, he began researching in   number one on TripAdvisor,
 the everyday running of Indus   the health and wellness industry   for hotels in Varanasi. Arnav’s
 Intex, a company focused on   on November 2016 by conducting   family’s heritage begins from
 manufacturing men’s wear.   primary and secondary forms   Varanasi, leading to an innate
 Indus Intex was the first vendor   of research. His research led to   passion from him and his brother
 for the Vanity Fair group in India,   him attending several discourses   to continuously work on tourism in
 which started in 2002. Under   around the world such as   Varanasi and the people.
 this arrangement, the company   Vipassana. The application of   A hotelier at heart, Arnav also Co-
 handled some of their leading   his research was put to use   Founded Dolci Desserts & Pizzeria
 brands such as North Face, Lee,   when he opened Bangalore’s first   with his mother, Ms. Shipra Kumar.
 Wranglers, Vans, and produced   Urban Wellness Centre, RESET,   In his spare time Arnav loves to
 a major chunk of Vanity Fair’s   on February 2019 in association   play football, cook and work to
 total woven orders across all their   with world renowned health   protect the environment.
 brands.   expert, Luke Coutinho. He has now
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