Page 64 - LuxuryWellness 3 Edition
P. 64

64                                                                                                                        January 2020                                                                                             65

                                                                                                                                                                                                            balance as well as a balance of
                                                                                                                                                                                                            taste.  After all, nothing beats
                                                                                                                                                                                                            great food made with quality
                                                                                                                                                                                                            ingredients that also tastes

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Here is a sample dish from sage,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            our Asian rice bowl.  I can tell
                                                                                                                                                                                                            you in which field each of these
                                                                                                                                                                                                            ingredients were grown, the brown
                                                                                                                                                                                                            rice, the carrots and beetroots
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and spring onions, the sesame
                                                                                                                                                                                                            seeds, the chicken, even the basil
                                                                                                                                                                                                            in the glass of water.  This to us
                                                                                                                                                                                                            is the very definition of luxury and

        organic locally grown food.  But     and natural ice-creams.  We are     eating and cooking habits in a
        the awareness is seeping into the    firm believers in the adage that    short period of time.  So when
        minds of consumers that what         all food is medicine, and if you    you see our young waiters and
        you put into your body is crucial    treat it as such, there is no need   waitresses in our café, talk to
        for wellness and health.  This is in   to take any other medicine or     them about food and ask them
        fact the true luxury, and it doesn’t   pharmaceuticals.  There are many   about wellness.  Chances are that
        cost an arm and a leg.               cases of our clients who report     they are classmates or friends of
                                             a big positive change in their      your children.
        My wife Kavitha, who has an          family health once they switch
        MBA from Cambridge University        from mandi vegetables to buying     Preparing and eating naturally
        in England, retrained as a chef      healthy organic produce from us.    grown food is the best way to
        and opened our store and café,       Our eggs and free-range chickens    maintain good health. Factory-
        “Sage Farm Café”, in Jubilee Hills   are reared with extraordinary care,   made food comes with high
        in Hyderabad.  Our ethos in the      and we encourage farm visits        levels of sugar, salt, saturated or
        café is an extension of our farm     where our clients can bring their   trans fats, and lots of synthetic
        and focuses on fresh seasonal        families and see where and how      preservatives and ingredients.
        ingredients, and slow food made      their food is being grown.          These things are really bad for
        from scratch using primarily                                             you over the long run.  It is also
        the finest quality homegrown         Kavitha and I love sharing this     important to “eat the rainbow”,
        ingredients. Kavitha prepares        lifestyle that my family enjoys     meaning a rich variety of produce,
        5 types of cheeses including         with our clients who appreciate     so that your microbial diversity
        mozzarella, paneer, ricotta, feta    and understand that luxury and      in your gut in increased, and you
        and cheddar using milk from our      wellness go hand in hand.  We       get a wide variety of nutrients
        own buffaloes.  She make fresh       have also started an internship     naturally.  This is also the ethos
        kombucha kefir and sauerkraut,       program for high school or gap      of our farm and store, where we
        which are all fermented              year students where they spend      focus on variety of produce, local
        superfoods. She also has a range     a month working in our café and     seeds as opposed to foreign
        of healthy snacks, fresh juices,     end up learning a lifetime of good   hybrids, and proper nutritional
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