Page 38 - OSEP Educator LG
P. 38
One month before the training I have: One week before the training I have:
Task Yes Task Yes
and evaluations if relevant
Booked other presenter(s) and/or Met with co-educators to confirm,
assessor(s) outline and divide sections to present
if necessary and assess
The day before training starts I have: Immediately before training commences I
Task Yes Task Yes
Confirmed participant numbers with Set up the classroom for the session
sport organisation planned
Checked that the person opening the Made a list of housekeeping matters
training is attending
Checked that the facilities are booked, Checked the sport equipment is
paid for, cleaned and available for the available and in working condition
time needed
Checked that the LCD and all classroom Put my name and contact details on the
equipment is on site and ready to use. board or wall or distributed my business
card for participants to see
Developed a contingency plan if Ensured that all resources to be used
equipment or resources are not are at hand and in order of
available or not in working order presentation
Checked that all sport and training Put the enrolment forms out for
equipment and materials are available participants to complete
and in good condition
Confirmed that all printed materials are Put the daily attendance sheet out for
ready for the program students to complete
Packed my toolkit or trainer bag with Welcomed my students as they arrived
the resources, equipment and
materials needed to deliver
Reviewed and practised any activities
or content I am unsure about
Sought advice from the OSEP
Coordinator if still unsure of a
particular topic
Prepared to deliver the entire program
not just parts of it
Page 36 OSEP Educator Learner’s Guide