Page 10 - FS Primer 2020
P. 10




       B.       Student Classification

                in Online Learning

              In order to make the instructional delivery suitable for each

              category, the following aspects are made available:

                        With Connectivity                     With Limited Connectivity

                 Strengthened synchronous and              A shift from attending synchronous to
                 asynchronous classes                      strengthened asynchronous classes

                 Smooth downloading and uploading of       May download content depending on
                 content or output                         connection stability time

                                                           Feedback may be delayed or attended
                 Real-time feedback                        at a later period (depending on
                                                           connection time)

                 A combination of a balanced online and    Minimal online learning activities and
                 offline learning activities               modified offline learning activities

                 Availability of storage and printing      Much necessity on storage and
                 devices for back-up                       printing devices

                     Comprehensive orientation on:
                         •  legal and safety aspects in the digital world
                         •  digital communication
                         •  problem solving in the digital world
                         •  tutorials on productivity and creativity tools

                  Strong connection with teaching personnel

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