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             are undergoing due diligence and upon clearance they  investments, and infl uencing innovation policy. To
             shall be established.                         accomplish this objective a Vernacular Task Force
                                                           (VTF) in each language has been formed for creating
               Atal New India Challenges                   the necessary resources as well as the ecosystem
               The purpose is to create product and service  activities.
             innovations having national socio-economic impact,
             AIM has launched over 24 such events in partnership   VTF team will learn, contextualise, implement and
             with five different ministries and departments of  translate the design thinking and entrepreneurship
             central government. There are 52 applicants that were  concept in their respective languages. The team build,
             shortlisted for grant-in-aid support and hand holding by  cement and augment design thinking concepts in the
             incubators/mentors of AIM out of 950+ applications  scheduled 22 languages. The ecosystem will be opened
             received. There are 13 innovations have been supported  up to vernacular innovators with regular ecosystem
             with grant-in-aid till date and others are undergoing due  services.
             diligence process.
                                                             There are train-the-trainers VTF sessions. Prime
               ARISE-ANIC challengers                      partners are: eco-system builders, knowledge partners,
               Atal Research and Innovation for Small  implementation partners to work cohesively.
             Enterprises (ARISE)-Atal New India Challenge (ANIC)
             programme is a national initiative to promote research   Strategic campaigns
             and innovation thereby increase competitiveness of   One of such events is AIM-Incubator Capabilities
             country’s startups and Micro, Small and Medium   enhancement for a Robust Ecosystem for high
             Enterprises (MSMEs). In order to promote innovation   performing Startups (iCRESt)
             in a phased manner in the MSME/Startup sector AIM
             has launched 15 challenges along with partnership of   AIM over the last few years, has created a network
             Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs; Ministry of   of incubators that energise the innovation value chain in
             Health and Family Welfare; Indian Space Research   the country. Within this ecosystem, AIM is conscious
             Organisation; Ministry of Defence and Ministry of   of the team related challenges faced by incubators as
             Food Processing Industries. The purpose is to improve   they strive to produce viable, successful businesses.
             research capabilities in the startup and MSME eco   Keeping this in mind, AIM, designed iCRESt - a fi rst
             system. As part of this initiative, deserving ideas will   of its kind, remotely conducted, programme that aims
             be converted to viable innovative prototypes followed   to become a growth hack for incubators as they strive
             by product development and commercial deployment.   to become #WorldClassIncubators and reach greater
             There are 160 applicants have been shortlisted and are   heights.
             currently undergoing evaluations.
                                                             For this programme, AIM has joined hands with
                                                           Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Wadhwani
               Mentor of Change (Mentorship and partnerships
             – with public, private sector, NGOs, academia,   Foundation – organisations that can lend credible
             institutions)                                 support and expertise in the entrepreneurship and
                                                           innovation space. These partnerships provides global
               For the purpose of enabling all the initiatives   expertise and showcase proven best practices to the
             to succeed AIM has launched one of the largest   AIM’s incubator network.
             mentor engagement and management programme
             “Mentor India – The Mentors of Change”. There are   It has been designed to enable the incubation
             over 10000+ registrations nationwide on the AIM   ecosystem and act as a growth hack for AIM’s Atal
             INNONET portal with 4000+ of them allocated to   and Established incubators across the country. Under
             ATLs and AICs.                                the initiative, the AIM’s incubators are set to be
                                                           upskilled and provided requisite support to foster the
               Vernacular Innovation Program (VIP)         incubation enterprise economy, which will help them
               This is an initiative of the AIM, NITI Aayog, targeted   to signifi cantly enhance their performance. AIM will
             at decoupling creative expression from the language   enable incubators and their teams to gain deep insights
             of transaction in country’s innovation ecosystem.   about incubation and acceleration, learn about best
             This is designed to lower the language barrier for   practices of about 200 incubators and accelerators
             vernacular innovators when learning design thinking   globally, and use tools, templates, and frameworks
             and entrepreneurship, accessing markets, attracting   to close the existing gaps and uncover the magic

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