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P. 43

                          A Brief on TReDS

             Source of the Article:

               published by the erstwhile Banking, Financial Services and Insurance Department of The Institute of Cost
                                                  Accountants of India

               Introduction                                  Defi nitions
               Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs),   For the purpose of the Scheme, notwithstanding any
             despite their important role in the economic fabric of  other defi nition used in any other context, scheme,
             the country, continue to face constraints in obtaining  law or document, the following defi nitions are used:
             adequate fi nance, particularly in terms of their ability  Factoring unit -A standard nomenclature used in the
             to convert their trade receivables into liquid funds. In  TReDS for an invoice or a bill on the system. Factoring
             order to address this pan-India issue through setting  units may be created either by the MSME seller (in the
             up of an institutional mechanism for fi nancing trade  case of factoring) or by corporate and other buyers,
             receivables, the Reserve Bank of India had published a  including Government Departments and PSUs, (in case
             concept paper on “Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises  of reverse factoring) as the case may be.
             (MSME) Factoring-Trade Receivables Exchange” in
             March 2014.                                     Financier —Refers to banks, NBFC Factors and
                                                           other fi nancial institutions as permitted by the Reserve
               Based on the public comments received on the  Bank of India participating in the TReDS and accepting
             concept paper and the subsequent draft guidelines  the factoring unit for fi nancing purpose.
             issued for setting up and operating the system, and
             interactions held with relevant stakeholders, the   Participants
             following guidelines have been issued for setting up   MSME sellers, corporate and other buyers, including
             and operating the Trade Receivables System in the   the Government Departments and PSUs, and fi nanciers
             country. These Guidelines are issued by Reserve Bank   (banks, NBFC factors and other fi nancial institutions as
             of India under section 10(2) read with Section 18 of   permitted by the Reserve Bank of India) will be direct
             Payment & Settlement Systems Act, 2007 (Act 51 of   participants in the TReEDS. The TReEDS will provide
             2007).                                        the platform to bring these participants together for
                                                           facilitating uploading, accepting, discounting, trading
               The Trade Receivables Scheme                and settlement of the invoices / bills of MSMEs.
               The scheme for setting up and operating the  The bankers of sellers and buyers may be provided
             institutional mechanism for facilitating the fi nancing  access to the system, where necessary, for obtaining
             of trade receivables of MSMEs from corporate and  information on the portfolio of discounted invoices /
             other buyers, including Government Departments  bills of respective clients. The TReEDS may tie up with
             and Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), through  necessary technology providers, system integrators
             multiple fi nanciers will be known as Trade Receivables  and entities providing dematerialization services for
             Discounting System (TReDS).                   providing Its services.

               The TReDS will facilitate the discounting of both   Process flow and procedure
             invoices as well as bills of exchange. Further, as the   The objective of the TReDS is to facilitate fi nancing
             underlying entities are the same (MSMEs and corporate   of invoices / bills of MSMEs drawn on corporate and
             and other buyers, including Government Departments   other buyers, including the Government Departments
             and PSUs), the TReDS could deal with both receivables   and PSUs, by way of discounting by fi nanciers. To
             factoring as well as reverse factoring so that higher   enable this, the TReDS has to put in place suitable
             transaction volumes come into the system and facilitate   mechanism whereby the invoice / bill is converted into
             better pricing.                               “factoring unit” as indicated in Annexure-l.

               The transactions processed under TReDS will be   In the fi rst phase, the TReEDS would facilitate the
             “Without Recourse” to the MSMEs.              discounting of these factoring units by the fi nanciers

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