Page 44 - MSME BULLETIN 2022 NEW LAYOUT 19082022.indd
P. 44


             resulting in fl ow of funds to the MSME with fi nal  [Reserve Bank of India’s “Master Direction - Know
             payment of the factoring unit being made by the buyer  Your Customer (KYC) Direction, 2016” dated
             to the fi nancier on due date. In the second phase,  February 25, 2016 (as amended from time to time)].
             the TReDS would enable further discounting / re-
             discounting of the discounted factoring units by the   There would be a one-time agreement drawn up
             fi nanciers, thus resulting in its assignment in favour of   amongst the participants in the TReDS: Master
             other fi nanciers.                             agreement between the financier and the TReDS,
                                                           stating the terms and conditions of dealings between
               The process fl ow of the TReDS has to enable, at the  both the entities.
             minimum, the uploading of invoices/bills and creation
             of factoring units by the MSME sellers; Its acceptance   Master agreement between the buyers and the
             by the corporate and other buyers, including the   TReDS, stating the terms and conditions of dealings
             Government Departments and PSUs, within a specifi ed   between both the entities. This agreement should
             time limit; discounting, rating and re-discounting of   clearly capture the following aspects:
             factoring units; sending of notifi cations at each stage
             to the relevant parties to the transaction; reporting   The buyer’s (corporates and other buyers including
             and MIS requirements; and fi nally, generation and   Government Departments and PSUs as the case may
             submission of settlement of obligations. In case of   be) obligation to pay on the due date once the factoring
             reverse factoring, the buyer could also create factoring   unit is accepted online.
             units based on the documents uploaded by the MSME   No recourse to disputes with respect to quality of
             seller. A brief illustrative outline of the minimum   goods or otherwise.
             features required in the process fl ow is given in the
             Annexure-l.                                     No Set-offs to be allowed.
                                                             The Master agreement between the MSME sellers
               The actual business, technical and operational
             processes and procedures to be followed in the system   and the TReDS should state the terms and conditions
                                                           of dealings between both the entities. The agreement
             will be prepared by the entity operating the TReDS,   should also have a declaration / undertaking by the
             and will be part of the for the system.
                                                           MSME seller that, in resoect of goods and services
               The TReEDS may also undertake some random   underlying the factoring unit, no fi nance is extended
             audits to ensure that the factoring units uploaded   by the working capital fi nancing bank and such goods
             on the exchange are authentic and based on genuine   and services are not charged to the working capital
             underlying transactions involving the sale of goods or   financing bankers (i.e., finance availed through
             services.                                     the TReDS would not be part of existing charge /
                                                           hypothecation of its working capital bankers).
               TREDS would put in place a standardized mechanism
             / process for on-boarding of buyers and sellers on the   In case of fi nancing on the basis of invoices, an
             TReDS. This one-time on-boarding process will require   assignment agreement would need to be executed
             the entities to submit all KYC related documents to the   between the MSME seller and the financier.
             TReDS, along with resolutions / documents specifi c   Alternatively, this asoect may be incorporated in the
             to authorized personnel of the buyer, and the MSME   agreement between the MSME seller and the fi nancier,
             seller. Such authorized personnel would be provided   to the effect that any fi nancing transaction on TReDS
             with IDs / Passwords for TReDS authorizations (multi-  will tantamount to an assignment of receivables in
             level). Indemnity in favour of TReDS, if required, may   favour of whoever is the fi nancier.
             also be given if it is made part of the standardized on-
             boarding process.                               The TReDS will be in Custody of all the
               The KYC documentation and its process may be   Other procedural aspects of TReDS functioning and
             standardized and disclosed to all stakeholders by  operations may be incorporated either in the Master
             TReDS. As It requires confi rmation of the banker  Agreement, if so, necessitated by the participants, or
             of the MSME seller / buyer, as the case may be,  in the Procedural Guidelines where applicable. In all
             the KYC documentation should synchronise with  instances, such procedural aspects, even if incorporated
             the documentation / verifi cation done by the banks  in the Master Agreements, should be in adherence
             in adherence fo the extant regulatory requirements  to regulatory norms issued from time to time. The

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