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P. 47

             A Bird’s-eye view of GeM

             Source of the Article:
               published by the erstwhile Banking, Financial Services and Insurance Department of The Institute of Cost
                                                  Accountants of India

               The Government e. marketplace (GeM) platform      transaction and contracting.
             was launched on 9th August, 2016 as an online end to
             end solution for procurement of commonly used goods   d)   GeM shall provide decision support to help
             and services for all Central Government and State   users achieve optimal value-for-money: GeM
             Government Ministries, Departments, Public Sector   platform shall provide additional features such
             Units (PSUs) and affi liated bodies. The following   as buyer and seller rating, tools to establish price
             Government directives have been issued in relation to   reasonability and demand forecasting to help its
             GeM:                                                users make more informed decisions.

               1.   Rule 141-A of GFR 2005, superseded by Rule   e)   GeM shall provide a robust audit trail along with
                  149 of GFR 2017.                               an internal system of check and controls:

               2.   Office Memorandum on GeM payment and     GeM platform shall employ a system of inbuilt
                  timelines dated 20th September, 2016.    checks and controls and maintain an audit trail (for a
                                                           period specifi ed on the GeM platform) that shall make
               3.   Office Memorandum on the entry in the  it possible to trace back the activity of any user if the
                  Government of India (Allocation of Business)  need arises.
                  Rules, 1961 dated 9th December, 2016.
                                                             f)   GeM shall be an inclusive platform and support
               4.   Cabinet Note dated 7th April, 2017.          the objectives of the various preferential market
                                                                 access policies: GeM shall, to the extent
               5.   Cabinet Secretariat Notification dated 8th   possible, encourage and enable local businesses,
                  December, 2017.                                Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) and start-
                                                                 ups to conduct business with the Government.
               The GeM Charter captures these elements as a set
             of commitments that GeM shall undertake  and uphold   g)   GeM shall in line with tts principles of
             going forward:                                      transparency and openness publish a monthly
                                                                 scoreboard on the platform: GeM shall
               a)   GeMshall provide acomplete end-to end        keep all its stakeholders informed regarding
                  contactless, cashless and paperless procurement   thendevelopment and growth of the GeM
                  system: GeM shall cover the entire procurement   platform by way of ad monthly scoreboard that
                  process right from vendor registration to order   shall cover the following key elements
                  fulfi llment and payment.
                                                                      GMV (Monthly).
               b)   GeMshallconstantly endeavor to enhance
                  transparency and effi ciency in the procurement       Number of buyers and sellers.
                  process: GeM shall bring about standardization
                  in the procurement process and ensure adherence       Number of product and service
                  to timely delivery and payment.                      categories.

               c)   GeM shall be a trust-based system with minimal       Percentage of orders with delivery and
                  manual intervention: GeM shall leverage              payment within time and ageing.
                  technology and the existing database with domain
                  Ministries to ensure ease and convenience in        Percentage of savings achieved.
                  the processes of registration, procurement

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