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                  scheme of performance and credit rating for   (v) Good rating enhances the acceptability of the
                  micro & small enterprises through its various   MSEs with their customers and buyers.
                  branches/offi ces located in the country.
                                                             (vi) Facilitate buyers in capability and capacity
               (ii) The unit’s rating is a combination of its    assessment of MSEs before fi nalizing purchase
                  performance and credit worthiness. The MSEs    contracts.
                  rating methodology covers a combination
                  of credit and performance factors including   (vii) An independent evaluation of the strengths and
                  parameters measuring operational,  fi nancial,   weaknesses of the applicant unit will help banks
                  business and management risks.                 and fi nancial institutions in taking faster credit
                                                                 decisions and leveraging thelr risks.
               (ii) NSIC is maintaining a database about the units
                  awarded rating by different rating agencies.  More than 30 banks /  fi nancial institutions have
                                                           signed MOU with the the rating agencies / NSIC to
               (iv) Micro & small enterprises are at liberty to select  extend the benefi ts to the units rated under the Scheme.
                  any of the rating agencies empaneled under the
                  rating scheme with NSIC.                   Interventions
                                                             Though RBI had advised all banks to consider ratings
               (v) The rating process is being undertaken In the  assigned under the Scheme as per availability and
                  following manner:                        wherever appropriate, structure their rates of interest
                                                           depending on the ratings assigned to the borrowing,
                  a) Request for rating from MSE.          SME Units and banks should give due recognition to
                                                           the ratings while considering the loan proposals of
                  b) Collection of information from the MSE.  micro & small enterprises so as to extend the benefi ts
                                                           to the good rated units.
                  c) Onsite meeting with MSE management.
                  d) Analysis of information obtained from the   Implementation Strategy
                  MSE.                                       To propagate the Scheme and create wider awareness
                                                           among micro& small enterprises in the country, NSIC
                  e) Assign rating.                        in association with local industry associations and banks
                                                           organize focused campaigns and seminars highlighting
               (vi) The validity of a rating is for a period of one year  the benefi ts accruing to MSEs under the Scheme, so
                  from the date of issue of the rating letter.  that they can get themselves rated under the scheme.
               Target Group                                  Procedure for Availing of Financial
               Micro & Small Enterprises                   Assistance Under the Scheme
                                                             The following procedure is adopted for availing
               Benefi ts                                    fi nancial assistance under the Scheme:
               The major benefi ts accruing under the Scheme fo the
             rated units include:                            (i) Micro &small enterprise is at liberty to select
                                                                 any of the rating agencies empanelled under the
               (i) Rating is an independent, trusted third party   rating scheme with NSIC.
                  opinion on capabilities and credit worthiness of
                  MSEs.                                      (ii) MSE can apply directly to the rating agency
                                                                 (selected by It) or through any branch of NSIC,
               (ii) Rating enables MSE units to ascertain the    clearly indicating the name of the rating agency
                  strengths and weaknesses of their existing     from whom they want to get rated.
                  operations and take corrective measures to
                  enhance their organizational strength.     (iii) The rating agencies have different fee structure
                                                                 for their rating of various clients including micro
               (iii) Good rating enables MSEs to access funds at   & small enterprises. The Rating Agencies have
                  cheaper rates and on better terms,             devised their fee structure for MSEs under this
                                                                 Scheme separately.
               (iv) Rating facilitates prompter credit decisions from
                  banks on proposals of MSEs.                (iv) As the evaluation criteria for award of rating

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