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Our Faithfulness to

                                                  His Calling Continues

                                                              BY SAM BEALS, CEO SAMARITASBY SAM BEALS, CEO SAMARITAS

                   s we reflect on completing our
                   milestone 85th year of fulfilling
            Aour mission - Serving People as an
            Expression of the Love of Christ, we are
            eternally grateful for God’s faithfulness
            Samaritas. We celebrate the profound
            impact that our services have had over the
            years in support of the most vulnerable
            populations in Michigan. With His
            blessings, and the tireless commitment
            of our past and present staff, volunteers,
            faithful donors, and supporting churches,
            we look forward to the opportunity to
            continue meeting critical needs for those                  Kevin Van Den Bosch                        Kim Thompson
            we are privileged to serve in the coming                   COO - Child and Family                     COO - Senior Living
                                                   knowledge to keep this service line moving   culture changes and unpredictable
            As we stay true to our values and the   forward and growing. And Abbie Perry,   economic times, we continue to find great
            biblical mandates of serving with      our new Vice President of Quality, is   joy in faithfully bringing hope, healing and
            compassion and integrity we are mindful   helping to solidify our processes and   wholeness to those we serve in the name
            that we are all “created in the image of   procedures that will lay the groundwork for   of Christ. We find this encouragement in
            God,” (Genesis 1:27), so we are confident   continuous improvement.           part from the verse that states, “Be strong
            that He will continue to empower this   Our adoption, foster care and child   and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not
            ministry to meet the increasing needs that   abuse and neglect prevention services   be discouraged, for the Lord your God will
            are presented to us every day. We are called   continue to increase. We are excited   be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
            “to look after the orphan and the widow   about new opportunities we have to serve   We are also buoyed in our work by the
            in their distress” (James 1:27) and to fulfill   additional unaccompanied refugee minors   faithful prayers, volunteer support and
            the words of Christ to “love your neighbor   and unaccompanied children. We have   financial support from donors, churches
            as yourself,” (Luke 6:1).
                                                   learned innovative ways to serve additional   and Foundation whose values resonate
            As we look to the future, ministry     persons with disabilities, and increasingly   to ours. We are grateful for any way you
            opportunities abound and we are grateful   effective ways to serve seniors in our care.   may be able to support our mission and
            to have the capacity to meet the most   In addition, we are growing much needed   ministry efforts, and trust the Lord will
            critical health and human needs before   affordable housing services. These are but   richly bless your Kingdom service.
            us. We are blessed to have new leadership   a few examples of ways in which we are not
            - Kevin Van Den Bosch as our new COO   only meeting additional needs now, but
            of Child and Family comes to us with   will also in the coming years.         Grace & Peace,
            a wealth of experience, most recently   During these days of political polarization,
            from Wedgwood in Grand Rapids. Kim     public safety concerns, social justice   Sam Beals
            Thompson, our new COO of Senior        challenges, anxieties about significant   Chief Executive Officer
            Living, has the depth and breadth of

            Our Hands         FALL/WINTER 2019, ISSUE NO. 8

                3   THE BEGINNING OF SAMARITAS        11  LIFT UP SAGINAW                   18-19  FOSTER TO ADOPT
               4-5   SENIOR LIVING                  12-13   NEW AMERICANS                    20  VOLUNTEER
               6-7  COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS           14-15  EVENTS                            21  ADVANCEMENT
               8-9  NEW AMERICANS                     16  PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES             22   HERITAGE SOCIETY
               10  FREEDOM VILLAGE                       17   AFFORDABLE LIVING                 23   CONGREGATIONAL ENGAGEMENT

            2          For general inquiries, email     For more information visit     Cover artwork: Fessenden Family
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