Page 23 - Our Hands Spring 2020
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FOUNDATION                                                            CONGREGATIONAL ENGAGEMENT

 The Samaritas Foundation — Meet the Board  MeetPastorBeth

                        Pastor Beth Birkholz became a part of Samaritas Nation in January as the
 ur new Foundation Board Chair Dave Wohleen is a   focused on the outcomes for those we serve, and the compassion   Congregational Engagement Director. Pastor Beth comes to us from Holy Cross
 thoughtful leader, enthusiastic ambassador and generous   with which they are served.  Lutheran Church where she and her husband, also a pastor, have shared in leading
 Osupporter of the Samaritas programs and services that   their congregation. Before that, Pastor Beth and her family lived and served in
 served nearly 14,000 people throughout Michigan last year!  Dave has held C-suite level management positions in the   Georgia through a number of ministries. Over the years, Beth has been an avid
 automotive industry and also is an experienced board member   supporter and ambassador for Samaritas, working with us in a variety of ways,
 Initially a Samaritas Foundation Board member, Dave was elected   with a demonstrated history of working in non-profit organization   serving programs and helping us with our events.
 as Vice Chair in 2017, and is also a Co-Chair for the Southeast   management. He also is a member of the Lawrence Technological
 Michigan region of the Samaritas Giving Hope Capital Campaign   University Board of Directors. Dave graduated from the United   Pastor Beth is an accomplished author and certified in yoga instruction.
 where his keen insights continue to guide our plans. Dave remains   States Military Academy at West Point.  She is ecumenical in nature and action, and greatly enjoys connecting people.
                        Welcome Pastor Beth!
 Back row, L to R: Keith Dobner,
 Kelli Dobner (Samaritas Chief
 Advancement Officer), Lauren   ’ve been getting various questions about how my new   It occurs to me often that Jesus did not have a house, and
 Brosch (Samaritas Event and   job is going, and most people guess that it’s equal parts   that he even draws attention to this fact in the book of
 Community Relations Manager),   Ioverwhelming and fun. True! I am overwhelmed by the  Luke. After Jesus has told his followers to go preach the
 Dave Wohleen, Dave Lochner
 (Samaritas Board of Directors),   things that the people of Samaritas do on a daily basis to   gospel, he tells them not to take any spare clothes, money,
 Kathleen Henderson (DTE Energy   provide thousands of people with a HOME.   or food! They are to be totally dependent on others’
 Technical-Training Center)                                            hospitality, and Jesus says they will be judged on this
                   Of course, home is different than just a house. After our   hospitality.
 Front Row, L to R:    basic needs are taken care of such as warmth in the winter
 Noelia Villanueva (Vice President,   and roof over our heads, we can make a home anywhere.   Someone (bless their heart!) calls out, “I will follow you
 Department Manager, Chemical   For some of us the things that make a home are our   wherever I go!” Instead of saying thank you, Jesus says,
 Bank, Business Client Services),
 Debbie Wohleen, Marilyn Lochner.  family, a dog, a cat, and/or symbols that remind us of our   “Foxes have dens to live in, and birds have nests, but the
                   faith. I know this firsthand from moving every year or   Son of Man has no place even to lay his head.”
                   so as a child; even when my family moved to the Middle
 SAMARITAS FOUNDATION BOARD  East, we brought our good old Lutheran Book of Worship   We often forget how much of a challenge Jesus issued to
                   Hymnal so we could have church as a family! When we   his followers! In his life and ministry on earth, as Jesus
 Rev. Rosanne Anderson, Trustee  Kent Johnson, Trustee  Mark Odland, Treasurer  Tracy Teich, Vice-Chairperson  did, and when we had fun together, our tiny “cookie   said above, he and his followers depended on people’s
 Ellen Batkie, Trustee  Peter Kahler, Trustee  Sarah Pobocik, Trustee  Pat Thomas, Trustee Emeritus  cutter” house with rental furniture became a home.   kindness, money, and hospitality. And as followers of
 Sheilda Braddock, Trustee  John Mayes, Trustee  Tom Post, Trustee  David Wohleen, Chairperson  Jesus, we are assured that nothing material is guaranteed in
 Rev. Gerald Ferguson, Trustee  David Nachman, Trustee  Bonnie Reyes, Secretary  Rafaat L. Zaki, Trustee  Home looks different for all of us. As I’ve driven around   this life.
 Rev. Erick Johnson, Trustee  Michael Nussdorfer, Trustee  Jean Schluckebier, Trustee  Judy Zehnder-Keller, Trustee  Michigan these past few weeks, I’ve gotten to visit some
                   Samaritas-created homes, in every sense of the word.    But Jesus made a home wherever he went. He brought
                                                                       healing, comfort, security, and food to everyone around
                   I’VE VISITED:                                       him, because he inspired people to love and share what
 Census 2020 Fast Facts  • A home for teenage girls in foster care where they can   they had. That was the original mission, and it continues

                     decorate their own space.                         to be the mission of Samaritas today.
 Samaritas cares for some of the most vulnerable people in our society: seniors, homeless families,
 refugees, foster children, people with disabilities. The census is so important to make sure everyone is   • A center for families who are homeless to have a home   I look forward to sharing more of my explorations and
 counted so that services, funding and support is continued at the levels required.    together, with their neighbors from St. Paul Lutheran   observations with you. Thank you for sharing your love
                     church in Dearborn helping to paint the walls to make   and resources to accompany more and more people on
 PLEASE DO YOUR PART BY FILLING OUT THE CENSUS.  it beautiful and uplifting.   their journey to find home.

 Are My Answers Secure and Confidential?   profiles. Items like name, gender, age,   jobs, provide housing, fund K-12 education,   • The gorgeous Senior Living facility in Bloomfield Hills   Please let me know if your congregation would like to receive
 The Census Bureau is committed to   birthday, race/ethnicity, relationship to   prepare for emergencies and build   where the “place to be” is the workout/yoga room!   my monthly updates. We also have many opportunities for
 keeping your information confidential,   head-of-household, owner or renter and   schools, roads, hospitals and libraries.  I know I have only scratched the surface of all the places   engagement and outreach. I'm here to help connect
 private and secure. By law, individual-level   phone number are asked. The Census will   where Samaritas provides not just a roof and four walls,   Samaritas with Good Samaritans!
 census information cannot and will not   not ask about citizenship or immigration   Census and Elections  but the concept of “home.”
 be shared with any agency. Furthermore,   status.   Census data determines how many seats
 cyber security measures have been put   your state gets in Congress. Also, state
 in place to keep your information safe,   Who Gets Counted?   and local officials use census data to draw   Desiray
 and any unlawful release of information is   Census forms are filled out by household.   boundaries for state and local legislative
 punishable by a $250,000 fine and/or five   Everyone living at the address matters and   districts and school districts.   Desiray would flourish in a creative and imaginative forever family.
 years in prison.   everyone needs to be counted, including
 children and foster children.   For More Information  Desiray taps her imagination at playtime. She might take her imaginary
 What Will the Census Ask?   Census (federal)   shopping bag and play store, or she might don an imaginary chef’s hat
 The Census asks for less personal   How is Census Information Used?  and play kitchen.
 information than most social media   Being counted helps communities create         For more information visit

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