Page 21 - Our Hands Spring 2020
P. 21

ADVANCEMENT                                                                                    ADVANCEMENT

                        Tracy and Andreas Teich – “It is FUN!!”
 Mark and Marilyn Johnson    Ripple Effect Monthly Donor Club Members

 Mark and Marilyn Johnson love giving monthly —   Do you have a list of things you like    Through the years, their shared philosophy
 As long-time supporters of Samaritas, they never have to worry about missing a letter from   to do for FUN?  has resulted in a FREEDOM to live out
 Samaritas when they are traveling and know that their regular support matters to those who   their lives doing things that bring them
 Samaritas serves. They used to make gifts to many different organizations, but over time began   Tracy and Andreas Teich do –    great satisfaction and a sense of purpose.
 to focus on a few. Giving has always been a response for the blessings they have received. They   and it looks like this!  Andreas is in his 26th year of his call as
 were raised to help others and Samaritas is a mission they can trust.  As monthly donors, they   • Strong network of family and friends   pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church in
 share God’s love year-round through Samaritas’ mission. Mark shares, “If you can, give your   that bring them JOY – check  Bay City. He also serves as a Director for
 whole self, both through financial support and volunteering — you learn a lot in the process of   McLaren Bay Special Care Hospital and
 serving others.” And that’s a Ripple Effect worth sharing.   • Meaningful work and volunteer   is a member of the Bay Area Community
              opportunities – check                                                       Foundation Board. Tracy retired from Dow
            • FUN vacations, frequent food and                                            several years ago and is an active volunteer
              entertainment adventures – check                                            with Samaritas — see below, a spiritual
                                                                                          director and teacher, and the Treasurer
 RIPPLE EFFE CTS     MONTHLY GIVING CLUB  • Living in a house they LOVE – check           for Bay City Players, the local community
            • Giving money away – check –
              wait... what???                                                             theatre
 Samaritas is pleased to announce its new monthly giving club, Ripple Effects.  It is true! The decision about how they   Andreas and Tracy are also proud that
 For as little as $5.00 a month you can help provide safety, peace, love and enrichment   wanted to live and prioritize what they   their son, Jonathan, is following a similar
                                                                                          path. Jonathan recently got a new job and
 to many in need. The club benefits our Good Samaritan Fund providing a steady funding   had — and would come to have — was one   an increase in his salary. They said “He’s
 source throughout the year for children, families, refugees, persons with disabilities,   of the initial things they agreed on early in   looking at options and asking, not ‘What
 individuals in need of affordable housing, and seniors.     their relationship.    “Each year we plan our gifts for the
                                                      year, and spreading our gifts out through   can I afford, but what makes sense for me
 The Ripple Effects Monthly Giving Club may provide a convenient opportunity for you    Tracy says, “Growing up we always were   monthly giving makes that easy – and   — right now, and for the future.’”
 to become a donor or increase your annual giving. Remember, your donation helps    involved in church and outreach ministries   automatic! We also serve in the church   So what makes what they do, and the
 make a difference in the lives of vulnerable individuals touched by our mission.  – it’s just what we did.” Andreas adds,   money they give away fun? Again, they
            “Our family always gave, and when I got   and in organizations where having that
            to college, I began to understand the    regular income really helps in managing an   agree. “We enjoy giving where our gifts
            concept of tithing. That was our beginning   organizational budget as well. It’s a    will make a difference for the people and
            place – and then we kept increasing that   WIN/WIN for both sides – those who give   places we care about. In addition, the
 WAY S  Y OUR MONTHLY  GIFT  CREATES  A  RIPPLE EFFE CT  percentage until we met the goal Tracy   and those who receive!”  relationships we have with others who
            initially hoped we could.” Their thoughtful                                   share those values and priorities are gifts
            planning through the years now enables        — Tracy and Andreas Teich       that we receive in return. Both of those are
                                                                                          what make giving and serving FUN!”
 $50     $100     $120     them to make their gifts from assets as
            often (or more) than income.
 could pay for craft and project   could pay for an   could provide a 6-week
 therapy supplies for our   individualized life skills   exercise or enrichment
 Samaritas House Heartline   class for a young adult   class for residents in one   TOP SI X REASONS SAM ARITAS IS GR ATEFUL TO T R AC Y AND ANDREAS:
 women transitioning from   aging out of foster care.  of our affordable living
 incarceration, homelessness   communities.  1.  Volunteer and leadership roles at Samaritas:  3.  Additional Samaritas Campaign contributions – Giving Hope,
                                                                         For All Generations, et al.
 and/or human trafficking.  Andreas – Ambassador and advocate with Messiah Lutheran. Also
                    includes volunteering and visits at Samaritas Senior Living Saginaw   4.  Members of Samaritas Heritage Society – recognizing individuals
                    and Saginaw Community Center                         who have included Samaritas in their estate plans
                    Tracy – Former Chair and current member of the Samaritas   5.  They are FUN and FAITHFUL partners in our Mission: Serving
 $150     $200      Foundation Board Executive Committee, and Giving Hope   people as an expression of the love of Christ.
                    Campaign Cabinet member – Great Lakes Bay Region
 could purchase a car   could pay for a New   2.  Members of Ripple Effects – Samaritas’ Monthly Giving Circle  We would love to have you join Tracy and Andreas as supporters of
                                                                       Samaritas. Contact DeeDee McVety to explore ways you can be the
 seat for foster families/  American refugee                           rock that starts the ripple!
 birth families, or pay   family’s utilities for a
 for a foster child’s   month on average.
 extracurricular activity.

                                            Devin has superheroes on his mind. He loves watching superhero
                                            movies, and his favorite superhero is the Hulk. When he gets older,
                                            Devin wants to become a superhero. Another of Devin’s passions is
 Visit, or call Jessica at 313-308-8892 to join the    Legos, which he uses to build his own creations.
 Ripple Effects Monthly Giving Club.                                                 For more information visit

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