Page 17 - Our Hands Spring 2020
P. 17

FOSTER CARE AND ADOPTION                                                   FOSTER CARE AND ADOPTION

                  Story and images provided by Fox 17 West Michigan
                                                                                               KENT COUNTY - The
                                                                                               coronavirus pandemic has
                                                                                               put a "pause" on many things,
 Going Online to Keep                                                                          but it could not stop one
                                                                                               couple in Grand Rapids from
                                                                                               finalizing their adoption this
 Foster Care                                                                                   week.
                                                                                               Robert and Latricia Trice
 Going Strong                                                                                  officially added three-year-
                                                                                               old A'Rayah Lillian, and
                                                                                               one-year-old Olivia Grace to
                                                                                               their family, during a special
                                                                                               ceremony on Zoom Tuesday.

                                                                                               "It was so important for us,
                 because we could have just had the judge sign some papers and put them in the mail, but it was so important for us to
                 have this ceremony and have people be involved," Robert told FOX 17 News.
                 The couple already shared a seven-year-old biological son, when they began fostering the sisters 15 months ago.
                 They took in Olivia Grace at just three days old.
 As we shelter in place to prevent the spread of the corona virus, we   Orientations From Home
 look to family for protection, comfort, hope and help. But for some   "They're amazing. They actually blessed our lives. Even though we were nervous about it, they've definitely enhanced our
 children, home is not a safe place to be. And without the helpful   Foster parent orientation sessions, where you learn about the process,   life and our family, for sure," said Latricia.
 oversight of mandated reporters such as teachers and coaches, there are   the procedures, the requirements and the regulations, are now online,   The girls are cousins of Latricia, who stepped in after learning they would be placed in foster care.
 children who are spending this quarantine in fear or neglect, or both.    held on the Zoom platform. Typically, our foster parent recruiters are
 out and about in the community, going to events, hosting gatherings,   The family knew the long awaited "adoption day" would happen sometime this Spring, but never could have
 Samaritas Child and Family leadership recognized, early on in the   sponsoring and holding promotional activities where we educate people   expected that local courthouses and much of the state of Michigan would be shut down due to COVID-19.
 COVID-19 crisis, that the business of foster care was going to have to   about the need for foster parents (Over 14,000 children are in foster
 change, to accommodate the new normal   care in Michigan and we expect those numbers to rise   The couple had been working with Judge Richard LaFlamme in Jackson County during their journey, and asked if
 of sheltering at home. Our case workers,   significantly once the shelter in place order is lifted) and   he would be willing to try something new to complete the adoption process.
 licensing workers and foster parent recruiters   who can be a foster parent (hint:  it’s men, women, married,
 have been working steadily with state and   single, in a relationship, a homeowner, an apartment   "For me it was important, so I actually asked the question, can we do Zoom? Is that an option so I can have my family
 federal organizations to bring visitations and   renter…if you have a home and an open heart, we will work   and caseworkers who have been a part of the journey?" said Latricia. "For us, it was like I wanted that moment, and I
 family support online, and transition foster   with you)! But without those community connections, we   wanted to close this the right way."
 parent orientation to an online platform.   During a short ceremony, they vowed to be committed parents as loved ones shared the screen and watched.
 are relying on social media and news media to help us get
 We mobilized our workforce and armed   the word out about the need and the opportunity.  "The girls got to do the 'air gavel' after he said their names and went through the process," Robert explained.
 them with tablets, laptops and Zoom   We are anticipating that this will be the way foster care is
 subscriptions so the challenging work of   handled for the near future. On one hand, losing that face   Latricia added, "And then everybody cheered. And [the judge] said usually if we were in person we would hug and all
 keeping Michigan’s foster children safe,   to face contact is disappointing—but with the introduction,   that, but you can just air hug...It was very emotional."
 connected to birth parents, and firmly   expansion and enhancement of online resources, we look   The couple added the girls' older brother, and their grandparents were also a part of the ceremony.
 on their path to returning home moving   forward to increasing our communication with our foster
 forward, but online.  They encourage other families to open their hearts and consider fostering/adopting, if they're able. For more
 parents, making it easier to them to schedule trainings and   information on creating your Forever Family through LAS, visit
 Our foster parent portal, already up   visits. And we can hold more orientations sessions with
 and running for important trainings,   potential foster parents if we can schedule them online.
 documents and guidance on moving through the application and   Your support for these new endeavors is key—we need more hardware,
 licensing process, was enhanced and its scope broadened. It now   like tablets and laptops, to better equip our workforce and our foster
 includes trauma-informed parenting classes, and a chat room where   parents. We need more Zoom licenses, so more orientation and training   Help spread the word about the need for
 potential foster parents can communicate openly and honestly, in a   can happen with more people. And we need foster parents. People who   foster care in Michigan.
 judgement free environment, about issues, concerns, and just plain   know that by opening their hearts and their homes, they can make a
 parenting in these unusual times.
 huge difference in the life of a child.                                     At Samaritas, the state’s largest private foster
                                                                             care organization, we can only take about 35%
                                                                             of the cases that come to us. We simply don’t
                                                                             have enough foster parents to meet the ever
 Every year Samaritas, the state’s largest private foster care organization, has a May Blitz    increasing need.
 to raise awareness of just how many kids need foster care in Michigan (hint: it’s thousands).
 We light buildings up purple - because #ItTakesAPurpleVillage and put up lawn signs
 around town and this year we are creating window clings for cars and businesses. Five   Go online at to
 dollars from every window cling sale will be donated to Samaritas' Foster Care services.   learn more about how you can take an online
 We are also asking families to share their “foster parent fail” stories with us so we can share   class and become licensed as a foster parent.
 them on our social platforms - because you don’t have to be perfect to be a perfectly
 wonderful foster parent! So be sure to follow Samaritas on social media this May!

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